Unpopular opinion?boysinperilMarch 30 2011, 22:46:45 UTC
I know S2 has gotten a lot of flack for having a rougher sophomore season, but I like this year better. Maybe it's because I like the main story lines better (Kurt vs. the pregnancy plots), but I love this show more than ever.
Re: Unpopular opinion?ellydashMarch 30 2011, 22:59:43 UTC
There are some things I definitely like better about Season 2 than I did about Season 1, especially Santana and Puck's character development and the larger number of solos for people who aren't Rachel and Finn. I was pretty disappointed with a lot of this season's front 10, with the exception of a few episodes (Duets is probably in my top three for the entire show to date), but the middle six redeemed a lot of that for me.
I think it's a lot harder (speaking for myself here) to talk coherently and insightfully about what the show's doing well - I can nitpick with the best of them, but it'd be fun to think about why certain aspects of Glee are compelling, moving, resonant, etc.
Re: Unpopular opinion?boysinperilMarch 30 2011, 23:04:04 UTC
I know there's a good chance this will become a lot of complaining about how bad things are, and it's fine it that's the opinion, but I do love so much of what's being done. I agree with you, Puck and Santana have both developed a huge amount. I know Mercedes and Tina (and Sam!) are still in that nebulous area where fanon gives us more, but I can only hope they'll expand them as well.
Re: Unpopular opinion?niniblackMarch 30 2011, 23:11:44 UTC
I think we've actually gotten quite a bit for Tina. We got her storyline about her stutter, and shyness and finding friends last season, and this season we've gotten her kind of just being herself and finding a guy who loves her for that. I've enjoyed seeing her portrayed as more "in charge" and sure of herself in her relationship with Mike than she was with Artie last season. A lot of that has to do with the differences in how Artie and Mike treat her (and women in general), granted, but Tina's been much more such of herself of herself this season and I love seeing that change. I love seeing how Glee Club has helped her so much.
Why don't I have a Tina icon? Have this one of Mike instead.
Can we talk about specific aspects of the season or just the season in general? I have a bone to pick about character development for certain characters but not all of them, really c:
I feel like the writers aren't sure where to go with Puck's character. There's little to no information as to why he's suddenly infatuated with Lauren, even though I do think it's adorable, and then he started randomly crying at regionals with Kurt and Blaine's solo, and unless Ryan just wanted to trololol fandom, I don't see how that was relevant + why they picked him. They're making him such a softie compared to last year, and that's not my complaint, but my complaint is that there is no explanation of why other than assuming he got the toughguy scared out of him in juvie.
I do wish we got more backstory for EVERYONE, tbh - but I adore S2 Puck and love that he's more like fanon!Puck than ever (or at least the fanon!Puck that existed in puckurt, my OTP).
I seriously stopped watching after "Britney/Brittany." Aside from the musical numbers I didn't find it entertaining at all. And the Jacob Ben Israel masturbation scenes turned me off the show completely for a while.
I picked up again after "Never Been Kissed," which reminded me of the Glee I used to love. Sam was extremely promising, Blaine was okay, and Max Adler was just fantastic. In usual Glee fashion, though, I thought the show lost momentum after that for a while.
Favorite things about this season: Lauren Zizes, COACH BIESTE (♥), Terri, Carl, Fuinn, Sam, Sam/Quinn, Karofsky, Puck/Lauren Least favorite things about this season: Will, Holly, Finchel/Rachel's backslide as a character into someone I don't love as much as I used to, FINN, the fact that the songs don't have much relation to plot now
I don't think they know what to do with Sue and they hide behind that fact with that she's a ~complex character~. One minute they show her soft side with her sister or with reading books to those kids in the hospital, and the next she's an unbearable bitch who punches people on stage. I really don't understand what the hell they're trying to do with her character anymore. When she was just mean, I understood that fine, but I don't think they know how to handle complex and it's just way too extreme for me.
I think it's just lazy writing, TBH. "Complex" to the Glee writers means exactly what you just said: cruel sometimes, kind other times. Only that's not enough, because we don't get any kind of explanation for her behavior. It just seems so random. And the scenes that are supposed to prove that she's "nice"? So, so manipulative. I agree, I really don't think the writers know how to handle complex. Sue has become a caricature of her old self, IMO. I've almost stopped caring about her.
While I love Kurt and his storyline, I can understand why some people it's the Dalton Show lately. He's had the spotlight on him for awhile, and there are plenty of other characters that don't even HAVE a backstory, let alone their own arcs that last all season that I think should be paid attention to. The most we've seen of Mercedes is she was in love with Kurt for a second in season one and that love changed to a tater tots infatuation season two. We know nothing about Mike other than he's asian and has awesome abs, and I really don't like how little we know of Brittany other than her obvious issues. Some might argue that it's impossible to give every single character a backstory/moment to shine but I think if they just took a fraction of the Dalton Show / The Rachel Berry Appreciation Hour and tried to fit in a small introspection on those lesser known characters, it would be worth their time.
Total agreement. What really bothers me is how we get Warlbers songs that have no relation to plot at all. Scenes that are explained as being practice for Sectionals bore me so much. They could definitely have used that time to explore other characters, like Mercedes or Mike or even Tina.
They do the random Warblers songs simply because they know they have the fanbase to appreciate it. They don't want to branch out and potentially "bore" people so instead they have the Warblers have like 5 scenes a show either of random singing just seen as "practice" or general Kurt angst. Kurt is my second favorite character in this entire show, and I'm so glad that they're using Glee as a way to get across to those that have been victims of school bullying in light of all the things happening last fall in highschools across America but there needs to be some sort of balance between it all. I miss seeing some New Directions characters so much because it's almost as if they're put on the backburner because Dalton and that storyline is what's hot right now with watchers and consumers - they're making an entire CD just of Warblers songs - and it feels like we're missing so much going on over there.
Yeah, exactly. I really hate the phrase "selling out" but I can't help but think that's exactly what Glee has done. I can't help but feel that most of Glee's failings result directly or indirectly from its popularity. It's like the writers don't feel the need to actually prove themselves anymore. Sue is a caricature, Will and Finn have utterly ceased to be sympathetic leading men (Puck is the only guy at New Directions who gets significant screentime and doesn't irritate me deeply anymore), songs don't relate to the story like they used to... The show's almost like a musical revue at this point rather than a coherent story.
Comments 63
I think it's a lot harder (speaking for myself here) to talk coherently and insightfully about what the show's doing well - I can nitpick with the best of them, but it'd be fun to think about why certain aspects of Glee are compelling, moving, resonant, etc.
Why don't I have a Tina icon? Have this one of Mike instead.
I feel like the writers aren't sure where to go with Puck's character. There's little to no information as to why he's suddenly infatuated with Lauren, even though I do think it's adorable, and then he started randomly crying at regionals with Kurt and Blaine's solo, and unless Ryan just wanted to trololol fandom, I don't see how that was relevant + why they picked him. They're making him such a softie compared to last year, and that's not my complaint, but my complaint is that there is no explanation of why other than assuming he got the toughguy scared out of him in juvie.
eeep puckurt *_* totally my OTP, and puck is totally my bias if you couldn't tell already by my extensive use of his face in icons :3
I picked up again after "Never Been Kissed," which reminded me of the Glee I used to love. Sam was extremely promising, Blaine was okay, and Max Adler was just fantastic. In usual Glee fashion, though, I thought the show lost momentum after that for a while.
Favorite things about this season: Lauren Zizes, COACH BIESTE (♥), Terri, Carl, Fuinn, Sam, Sam/Quinn, Karofsky, Puck/Lauren
Least favorite things about this season: Will, Holly, Finchel/Rachel's backslide as a character into someone I don't love as much as I used to, FINN, the fact that the songs don't have much relation to plot now
While I love Kurt and his storyline, I can understand why some people it's the Dalton Show lately. He's had the spotlight on him for awhile, and there are plenty of other characters that don't even HAVE a backstory, let alone their own arcs that last all season that I think should be paid attention to. The most we've seen of Mercedes is she was in love with Kurt for a second in season one and that love changed to a tater tots infatuation season two. We know nothing about Mike other than he's asian and has awesome abs, and I really don't like how little we know of Brittany other than her obvious issues. Some might argue that it's impossible to give every single character a backstory/moment to shine but I think if they just took a fraction of the Dalton Show / The Rachel Berry Appreciation Hour and tried to fit in a small introspection on those lesser known characters, it would be worth their time.
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