
Jan 24, 2011 00:34

Okay. It was brought up that I was lacking one of these. Sorry, I'm in fail mode today.

This post is for if you have any questions or requests or think of things that could make this comm work better!

You can also ask to be affiliated with this comm here. It's just a general comment/questions post!

Also, comments are screened.

mod, information

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Comments 16

anonymous February 23 2011, 17:20:22 UTC
Random semi-unrelated comment but is there a meme for fic involving the Daltonverse characters? Like from the Dalton fic?


mello_bello_91 March 7 2011, 19:02:25 UTC
That's allowed. So long as it somehow relates to the show, it's allowed


anonymous March 7 2011, 13:58:17 UTC
Hello, dear mods :)

It looks like LJ recently and silently added a new comment setting for journals and comms - now, if an anon comment containing a link is posted, it is automatically screened unless the setting is changed by the journal's owner. As we occasionally have anon comments ;) and some of them contain links, I though you might like to know so that you can decide whether you want this setting to be in force for glee_fluff_meme. If you want to change the setting, it's under comment screening on this page: (obviously choosing glee_fluff_meme from the menu at the top).

Apologies if you were already aware of this, and thanks for a great comm :)

and also, can you unscreen my prompts? they got autoscreened because of the setting. much thanks. :)


mello_bello_91 March 7 2011, 19:01:36 UTC
Thanks for the heads up! I fixed the settings!


prettybird March 27 2011, 01:33:48 UTC
We're still in the starting stages but are you interested in affiliating with hudmels? :)


mello_bello_91 March 27 2011, 01:55:27 UTC
Sounds good! Feel free to post a new entry to this community advertising your community!


anonymous May 3 2011, 00:24:16 UTC

I just posted a prompt that got screened because it had a link in it. Do you think you could unscreen it for me? (It's the one called "Blaine's parents" :3 )

Thank you! Much obliged :)


mello_bello_91 May 7 2011, 02:45:55 UTC
Got it! Sorry bout that! Fixed the screening thing! :)


stephaniebrown May 6 2011, 18:41:05 UTC
are art fills allowed? I know in some meme's it's encourage but then others have different policies. Just wondering what the rules are here?


mello_bello_91 May 7 2011, 02:46:32 UTC
Art fills are always welcomed! Thanks for asking! :)


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