Jan 03, 2011 16:16
Welcome to the Glee Crossover Meme!
You know how these meme things work, once I open the first prompt post, feel free to leave all the crossover prompts you want! You can post anonymously, in case you're embarrassed to post something kinky or angsty, or you can post logged in.
Here are the rules:
1) Be polite. In other words, don't insult other people, don't shit on their prompts, don't insult them for not sharing the same ships or kinks as you. Live and let live.
2) No character bashing. Some people don't like Kurt or Rachel or Finn, and that's fine. It's even okay to make characters evil. What isn't okay are comments like "Rachel is a stupid, pointless bitch who should go DIAF."
3) Watch the community, don't join.
4) Try not to go overboard with the seconding, thirding, etc. It's not expressly forbidden, but if the post gets clogged with nothing but "seconded" comments, I may change that.
5) No RPF. This community recognizes that none of the characters in the comments belong to the people of this group, and none of us are making any money on this, but let's try and keep it fictional. You may mention real people, like actors or politicians, and they can appear occasionally as background characters (Like if Rachel winds up on the Tonight Show) But I'd prefer it if we try to not use real people as main characters.
6) When posting prompts, please put the crossover fandom in the subject heading, along with any characters you specifically want in the fic.
7) When posting a FILL, please put "Fill" in the subject line, along with the title if you wish, and the crossover fandom (or fandoms) and the rating of the fic. I won't be too concerned about the ratings, unless the fic contains explicit sex or violence. If you can imagine it would be rated NC-17 in a movie, put NC-17 in the header!
If you have any questions about what's allowed, or what's okay, please put it here, on this post, not on the prompt post.