Prompt Post #17

Jul 08, 2012 01:32


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Puck/Kurt - Riding, Slight bonage, Dirty talk dani_elizabethx August 3 2012, 03:12:07 UTC
Puck handcuffs Kurt's hands behind his back and then Kurt rides Puck.

Also, Puck had a filthy mouth. ;)

Oh, double-triple-I-will-love-you-forever points: Puck grips Kurt's hips so hard he bruises and the next day Kurt pokes at them and relives the whole experience. :D


[Fill] Puck/Kurt - Riding, Slight bonage, (slight) Dirty talk, Role play (1/3) pterawaters August 13 2012, 04:58:08 UTC
"C'mon, Officer," Kurt smirks, tugging his wrists as far apart as they'll go with handcuffs holding them together behind his back. "You know you don't have enough evidence against me."

Officer Puckerman scoffs. "Dude, I caught you red handed. The rubies were literally in your hands!"

Kurt gives Puckerman a short disbelieving look before snapping his mask of haughty innocence back into place. "Lies." He takes a step toward the officer and coyly tilts his head. "Isn't there any way I could convince you to let me go?"

One edge of his mouth pulling up in a smirk, Puckerman asks, "Like how?"

"There are certain ... things I could give you, Officer," Kurt purrs, leaning closer to Puckerman. "Things I don't even do for my husband. Well, not often, anyway."

"I think," Puckerman replies, grabbing Kurt's chin and holding it tightly, almost painfully, "that you should be more specific, Hummel. I'm gonna get my ass reamed by my Captain if I let you escape. How do I know your 'things' are worth it?"
Kurt pulls his head away until Puckerman releases ( ... )


Re: [Fill] Puck/Kurt - Riding, Slight bonage, (slight) Dirty talk, Role play (2/3) pterawaters August 13 2012, 05:00:23 UTC
Kurt stands, frozen almost, over Puckerman for a long moment, the tips of Puck's fingers pressing into Kurt's hips. Then he jerks his head to one of the bedside tables behind Puck. "Lube and condoms are in there. I'd get them, but..."

Puckerman nods and pushes Kurt until he takes a step back. Carefully not turning his back on Kurt, he steps around the bed to the drawer and pulls out a few items before sitting in the middle of the bed and beckoning Kurt to him. Popping open the lube, he asks, "You want me to take my time?"

"That depends," Kurt says as he carefully mounts the bed and walks over the mattress on his knees to straddle Puckerman's thighs. "How long until your back up gets here?"

Officer Puckerman smirks. "I didn't call for back up. I wanted the glory for taking you down solo." He pours some of the lube onto his fingers and recaps the bottle with a casual grace that says he does this often.
"Too bad you won't - Ahh! - be collaring me today." Kurt says, breath hitching as Puckerman hauls him closer with a strong arm around the ( ... )


Re: [Fill] Puck/Kurt - Riding, Slight bonage, (slight) Dirty talk, Role play (3/3) pterawaters August 13 2012, 05:01:15 UTC
Kurt finishes one long stroke down and as he pulls back up, he replies, "When you go too quickly, you miss out. This way..." He stops just as Puckerman's about to slip out again, changing direction in one fluid motion and sinking down again, " hit every single nerve ending. Teasing. Tantalizing. Until that climax you've been avoiding, running from, it catches up to you, leaving you a boneless ... brainless ... puddle of pleasure."

"Shit," Puckerman hisses, his fingers pressing into Kurt's hips hard enough to bruise. Despite Kurt's tortuously slow pace, Puckerman keeps his ass down against the bed, not even twitching a single thrust upward.

"There you go," Kurt praises, leaning back further. With his hands bound, they're unavailable to support him, so Kurt's abdominal muscles clench and bulge with the effort to keep his torso at that angle.
Puckerman reaches forward and sits up so he can wrap one hand around the back of Kurt's neck, helping hold him up. He uses his other hand to stroke Kurt's cock, pausing briefly to grab the lube ( ... )


Re: [Fill] Puck/Kurt - Riding, Slight bonage, (slight) Dirty talk, Role play (3/3) dani_elizabethx August 13 2012, 07:18:09 UTC
Hot and sexy and sweet as heck at the end. Love this fill!!


Re: [Fill] Puck/Kurt - Riding, Slight bonage, (slight) Dirty talk, Role play (3/3) pterawaters August 13 2012, 16:26:27 UTC
Oh, thank you so much!


Re: [Fill] Puck/Kurt - Riding, Slight bonage, (slight) Dirty talk, Role play (3/3) dani_elizabethx August 13 2012, 22:16:13 UTC

... )


Re: [Fill] Puck/Kurt - Riding, Slight bonage, (slight) Dirty talk, Role play (3/3) iskra667 August 14 2012, 00:35:43 UTC
yeah! hot Puckurt, so rare these days! with powerbottom!Kurt as the delicious cherry on top! thank you <3


Re: [Fill] Puck/Kurt - Riding, Slight bonage, (slight) Dirty talk, Role play (3/3) dani_elizabethx September 10 2012, 23:18:10 UTC
sweet AND hot <3 also, the typo in the header is making me lol :D


Re: [Fill] Puck/Kurt - Riding, Slight bonage, (slight) Dirty talk, Role play (3/3) pterawaters September 10 2012, 23:42:34 UTC
Hahaha! I didn't notice the typo (obviously). That's hilarious! Glad you liked it :D


Re: [Fill] Puck/Kurt - Riding, Slight bonage, (slight) Dirty talk, Role play (3/3) dani_elizabethx March 10 2013, 08:31:53 UTC


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