Prompt Post #13

Feb 16, 2012 18:05


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Stalker!Blaine/Kurt Masturbation Toys jesca5v5 February 18 2012, 21:52:53 UTC
Blaine stalks Kurt

Blaine manages to convince Kurt to finger himself/play with himself in front of a window so Blaine can see.
I want Blaine commanding him vis text message.
Maybe blaine can send him a vibrator or a plug in the mail and makes him wear it all day so Kurt is extra desperate.
Blaine making Kurt beg for it.

I want Blaine to have complete control over Kurt even though he isn't there.

Would love a long fill with plot but either way will be unbelievably greatly appreciated :D


FILL: Beautiful (1a/10) - Stalker!Blaine/Kurt (Masturbation/toys, in public, sexting/phone sex, h/c) jesca5v5 February 25 2012, 17:10:38 UTC
Warnings: Self-harm/mental abuse/homophobic language/possible dub-con


Blaine Anderson learned he was sick when he was eight years old.

Blaine worshipped his big brother, Cooper, and all his friends. They were sixteen. Big kids. So cool. Cooper drove a shiny black car their parents bought special just for him. His friends were always over the house, playing video games in his bedroom and basketball in the driveway ( ... )


FILL: Beautiful (1b/10) - Stalker!Blaine/Kurt (Masturbation/toys, in public, sexting/phone sex, h/c) jesca5v5 February 25 2012, 17:12:59 UTC
When he was fourteen, Blaine came out to his parents. He wasn’t going to let his brother - that jerk with his crisp Ivy League degree and his perfect girlfriend - embarrass him anymore.

“That’s ridiculous, Blaine,” his mother scoffed when Blaine sat them down in the living room after dinner one evening. “You’re a good-looking boy. You belong with girls, not with…other boys. That’s…”

Sick.“Go finish your homework, please,” she said dismissively. “We’re not talking about this anymore ( ... )


FILL: Beautiful (1c/10) - Stalker!Blaine/Kurt (Masturbation/toys, in public, sexting/phone sex, h/c) jesca5v5 February 25 2012, 17:14:44 UTC
It’s been sixteen years, nine months and two days since Blaine learned he was sick. He’s kept a running tally in his head of the days since that sunny Saturday in Cooper’s bedroom, dredging up the details every morning as he wakes from a restless night’s sleep to live a lie another day.

Sixteen years, nine months and two days after his world shatters, Blaine sees a glimmer of light shine among the broken pieces.

The man stands behind the register at the corner coffee shop down the street from Blaine’s office - his day job in sales that he fucking hates; another piece of fiction in the sham that is his life ( ... )


FILL: Beautiful (1d/10) - Stalker!Blaine/Kurt (Masturbation/toys, in public, sexting/phone sex, h/c) jesca5v5 February 25 2012, 17:16:21 UTC
But the man at the coffee shop plucks Blaine’s control out of his clumsy hands and rips it to shreds. Blaine can’t, won’t stop his feet from carrying him back to the café every morning before work.

“So, umm...” Blaine starts, four days after their eyes met for the first time.

“Kurt,” the man supplies.

“Kurt.” Blaine’s mouth curls around the word. It fits nicely. “I don’t think I’ve seen you here before. Are you new?”

The man - Kurt - nods. “I started last week. I just moved a few blocks from here ( ... )


FILL: Beautiful (1e/10) - Stalker!Blaine/Kurt (Masturbation/toys, in public, sexting/phone sex, h/c) jesca5v5 February 25 2012, 17:18:14 UTC
Thirteen mornings after they first meet - Blaine’s kept count, right alongside sixteen years, nine months, two weeks and one day - Kurt has Blaine’s coffee ready when he walks in the door.

“I made this one special for you,” he says, his voice soft and sing-songy in a way Blaine’s never heard it before. “On the house.”

“Thanks, Kurt.” A tiny burst of joy trickles down from his smile to his heart, suffocating the insistent pangs of sick and fag and wrong that stab him there every other moment of every day.

Kurt nervously bites down on his lower lip, and Blaine can’t tear his eyes from the tiny pearls of white digging into luscious pink skin. “Don’t throw that cup away, now,” Kurt says coyly. And with a wink, he turns to take another customer’s order.

As Blaine walks out of the café, he absently peers down at his cup, smooth and warm in his hands. The tiny script, written in black ink on white paperboard, immediately catches his eye.

646-555-2421Blaine sips his coffee slowly, so slowly he can barely taste it, as he blindly ( ... )


Re: FILL: Beautiful (1e/10) - Stalker!Blaine/Kurt (Masturbation/toys, in public, sexting/phone sex, juliahearts February 25 2012, 21:28:55 UTC
Wow, really blown away by your writing. Thought this would be just a kink fill but it seems like it'll be so much and I'm very glad of that. Can't wait to see what happens! ♥ ♥


Re: FILL: Beautiful (1e/10) - Stalker!Blaine/Kurt (Masturbation/toys, in public, sexting/phone sex, iwouldsaybi February 25 2012, 23:23:33 UTC
This is just... wow. How do you talent? Wonderful start. I really like the depth you've taken into Blaine's head and that backstory. I have a feeling I will be refreshing this page a LOT.


Re: FILL: Beautiful (1e/10) - Stalker!Blaine/Kurt (Masturbation/toys, in public, sexting/phone sex, jesca5v5 February 26 2012, 21:34:38 UTC
Thank you so much! The concept of Blaine's backstory is what made me want to write this in the first place. I thought it was a totally legitimate alternate path he could have taken with his life based on the hints we've gotten into his background in canon. Also makes him a lot more sympathetic of a "stalker," bc I could never have written just straight up creepy stalker Blaine.

I should post the next chapter by next weekend. My updates might not be as frequent as other fics but I try to make them worth the wait!


Re: FILL: Beautiful (1e/10) - Stalker!Blaine/Kurt (Masturbation/toys, in public, sexting/phone sex, jesca5v5 February 26 2012, 04:58:02 UTC
This is amazing. I usually have a ridiculously short attention span and skip to smut, but this is just insanely captivating, just being in Blaine's head. It's got a very heavy underlying darkness, and I can't wait to see how that translates into his kinda-relationship (Is stalker/stalkee considered a relationship?) with Kurt.

(Also, you're formatting is spot-on for not having filled before.)


Re: FILL: Beautiful (1e/10) - Stalker!Blaine/Kurt (Masturbation/toys, in public, sexting/phone sex, frumiousme February 26 2012, 11:06:49 UTC
wow. this is pretty amazing already


Re: FILL: Beautiful (1e/10) - Stalker!Blaine/Kurt (Masturbation/toys, in public, sexting/phone sex, jesca5v5 February 26 2012, 13:39:11 UTC
This is really good! Top mark! Excellent! Beautiful! Heartbreaking! Lovely! Sweet!


Re: FILL: Beautiful (1e/10) - Stalker!Blaine/Kurt (Masturbation/toys, in public, sexting/phone sex, jesca5v5 February 26 2012, 15:36:39 UTC
Woah. Just. Woah. I cannot wait where you're going to go with this next. Awesome fill so far, anon. Very awesome fill.


Re: FILL: Beautiful (1e/10) - Stalker!Blaine/Kurt (Masturbation/toys, in public, sexting/phone sex, jesca5v5 February 26 2012, 16:14:23 UTC
oh my.. I have no plan to read this because I can't read just perv!Blaine but reviews are pretty good..I tried..and omg this is amazingly well-written. poor Blaine.

This love story was going to be a sweet and happy and fluffy ordinary NY love story. but Cooper ruined everything!! damn you!!! I wish this would be something hopeful.

I can't wait for the next update!


Re: FILL: Beautiful (1e/10) - Stalker!Blaine/Kurt (Masturbation/toys, in public, sexting/phone sex, jesca5v5 February 29 2012, 01:53:32 UTC
Oh Blaine, he's so sweet in a dark, unstable way. (Him calling Kurt Beautiful in his phone is cute.)


Re: FILL: Beautiful (1e/10) - Stalker!Blaine/Kurt (Masturbation/toys, in public, sexting/phone sex, jackiebobby February 29 2012, 22:22:41 UTC
This is so awesome! can't wait for more!


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