Re: Whoverse - Quinn/CAPTAIN Jack Harknesskyra5972July 8 2011, 19:00:55 UTC
Probably not quite what you wanted, but I read the prompt and got the end to this in my head and had to write it. Hope you like it.Quinn moaned in pleasure as she came awake to the most amazing feeling. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked down her body to see her lover’s blue eyes looking up at her from between her thighs
( ... )
Not exactly what I wanted, but either way I loved it. ♥ And its "not exactly how I wanted it" only because I've actually never got on the Ianto/Jack bandwagon.
>> Really though, I don't care, I just was some Quinn/Jack sextime... heh^^
Not exactly what I wanted, but either way I loved it. ♥ And its "not exactly how I wanted it" only because I've actually never got on the Ianto/Jack bandwagon.
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