Recovering after being sick and tired

Dec 20, 2014 20:05

These December days are marked by series of Christmas parties arranged by company, partners, clients, relatives and friends. I got a cold at the very beginning of this marathon and even missed two (2!) bath procedures. But finally (hope my vaccination works) I feel myself recovering. Of course I tried to live life these days too, providing my ( Read more... )

harbour, westcoast life, aviation, delta, eagle, forest, immigration, boat, christmas tree, memory, bird, samara, national identity, geese, heron, sunset

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Comments 6

julegg December 21 2014, 07:26:52 UTC
Красиво у вас там.
А со снегом - было бы ещё красивей!)


glbl December 22 2014, 02:31:39 UTC
Снега полно в горах. Сайпрус, где катали фристайл олимпийский 2010, находится в 40 минутах езды от дома. В журнале есть майские посты, когда утром катаюсь на лыжах, а днем, спустившись с горы, плваю в заливах :) Вот, нашел один:


julegg December 22 2014, 08:17:32 UTC
Чудо, а не природа!


olfiles December 21 2014, 07:29:24 UTC
Welcome back to LJ dear friend!
Well, there were many troubles in Russia during last 100 years, but the newest one is the most cynical. It was created by people, who behave like sheep's. Maybe they deserve that after all.


glbl December 22 2014, 03:13:19 UTC
You are absolutely right that most of them deserve what they achieved during last 10 years. Many of them still do not understand that they are in the slaughterhouse paddock now. Unfortunately all my attempts to help at least several of them to forecast their future in kleptocratic petrostate were declined.


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glbl December 22 2014, 17:05:28 UTC
Конечно помню! Переживал, когда увидел, что журнал gryst21 закрылся. Рад. что вернулись в жж. Спасибо за поздравления. Я, в свою очередь, желаю, чтобы новый год оказался позитивным несмотря на все происки злых эльфов против доброго Санты :)


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