The effects of the costumes have now worn off. All the prisoners are suddenly shocked into unconsciousness.
When they wake up, most of the prisoners will find themselves in a small cell, dressed once again in the Glaxcin prison uniform of a grey shirt, grey pants, and grey slippers. The cells look like
this, except without the bed. The only
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Then she saw Molly and another girl outside their cells. Of course Molly could get free, she was super strong! But what was Yayoi going to do? If they didn't get back inside, bad things were going to happen.
"Molly?" she said as she approached. "You should really go back inside. It's not safe out here."
Raven stood there...blinking for a few seconds...then rubbed her eyes with her thumb and forefinger.
"This is getting stupid now...."
"What's happening?"
She waved at the other girl. She didn't think she'd seen her before. "You too! Hurry!"
Raven closed her hand and a black aura surrounded it.
Then she saw what Raven was doing. She'd seen Nico use magic before, but this was way freakier. This looked like trouble. She back up a bit. "Raven? What are you doing/"
Raven dispelled her magic quickly...seeing that it unnerved Molly.
"You don't need to worry yourself. Molly and I can handle them if they come our way. And if she gets worn out...I'll be there to back her up."
"Um, there's Grell and River - the two people who won the game about killing each other-" Yayoi said to Molly, trying to remember, "And I think I saw John, who used to be a police officer. And a big robot. And another man who kept telling me I had to do my job, so he's probably pretty excited about it. And Dukat, who is an alien and doesn't even believe in prisons, so who knows what he'd do!" There were others as well, but those were the ones Yayoi knew.
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