Nominations Info

Feb 20, 2013 18:30

In order to nominate fics, there are a few rules to remember:

1. Nominations will NOT be accepted outside of proper dates. Nominations will be accepted between February 27 an March 20. Don't worry about timezones. As long as it is between Feb. 27 and March 20 in your timezone, feel free to submit.
2. Only fics posted BEFORE 2013 will be accepted. This is so that all 2013 fics will be eligible for next year's awards (should this year's awards prove fruitful enough for there to be a next year).
3. You may only nominate ONE fic per category! If you nominate more than one fic, either the first will only be accepted OR neither fic will be accepted (up to the mod).
4. Don't nominate yourself! Come on, that's just common sense.
5. You must be a member of the community either on LJ or DW to nominate fics! Make sure you remember to JOIN the community before submitting nominations! EDIT! YOU MAY NOW SUBMIT YOUR NOMINATIONS WITHOUT JOINING EITHER COMM! Just include your AO3 pseud and a link to prove you aren't just a repeat voter!
6. You MAY nominate a fic for more than one category! Just please make sure you submit nominations in CORRECT categories.
7. You MAY leave a category blank. hey, we can't expect EVERYBODY to read as much fic as we do!
8. ALL FICS NOMINATED WILL BECOME PART OF A REC LIST! We have decided EVERY fic nominated, not just the top ones, will be put into a rec-list of the best of the best of Adommy fic!

Clarification on Categories

-Best Author
This category is pretty self explanatory. Who is your very favorite author? Are they an amazing writer? Do you love everything they write? Chances are they're a potential 'best author'. This is that author that writes stories that blow you away, paints the most perfect pictures, delivers the most driving emotions, and all around just plain rocks!

-Best Series:
This can be as little as a fic and it's sequel or as many fics as the author dreams up! Any genre, any characters in the fandom, any length! If it is a series and you feel it is the BEST series, it's up for nomination!

-Best Chaptered Fic:
In a fandom that is mostly made up of oneshots, chaptered fics are somewhat revered. Any genre, any characters in the fandom, any length- if it's chaptered, it counts! BE CAREFUL! There are many fics that are oneshots split into many parts. THESE are not chaptered fics. Chaptered fics are fics posted chapter by chapter at seperate times. NOT oneshots broken down into parts!

-Best Non-Chaptered Fic:
Pretty much the opposite of the last one. This is the category that MOST fics (I believe) will fall under. This is a fandom full of oneshots. They can be MASSIVE or short but either way, a fic that is not chaptered that you feel is the VERY BEST fic out there counts! BE CAREFUL! There are many fics that are oneshots split into many parts. THESE are not chaptered fics. Chaptered fics are fics posted chapter by chapter at seperate times. Oneshots broken into parts are STILL oneshots!!

-Most Original Plot:
Have you ever read a fic that made you go 'WHOA where on EARTH did (s)he get THAT idea?!' and found yourself floored by the originality? That is the type of story we're going for here. Keep in mind! It doesn't necessarily HAVE to be an AU! It is possible for canon fics to still be unique!

-Best Gen/Non-Slash:
They aren't very common but every once in a while somebody gives you a good gen or het fic! This is where you recommend your favorite gen or het fics. (There CAN be slash IN the fic, but it CANNOT be the main focus!)

-Best Adommy:
Pretty obvious. Best Adommy. Adam and Tommy have to be the main pairing!

-Best Kradam:
Same thing. Best Kradam. Adam and Kris have to be the main pairing!

-Best Rare-Pair:
This one is less obvious. Because of the pretty set pairings in this fandom, rare-pair will be considered anything that isn't adommy or kradam. Got a favorite Tommy/Isaac fic? Or a REAL rare-pair like Adam/Big Foot! (I hope that doesnt actually exist)

-Best Comedy:
Ever read a story that made you laugh yourself sick? THIS is that category! (NOTE! this is for more 'sane' humor, not total crack!)

-Best Drama:
This is for the dramatic fics. The ones that have your jaw dropping and your best 'BITCH SAY WHAT?!' expression on your face! These are the stories with more drama than a drag queen's dressing room!

-Best Angst:
Ever been hit in the feels so hard you felt physical pain? Ever read something so emotionally taxing that you cried yourself silly? This is the category for those fics! Even if a fic has a happy ending, if the angst is heavy this is for you!

-Best AU:
This category is for fics that are fully non-canon. Sure, there can be elements of canon (someone having the same job, being in the music field, ect) but the fic has to be far enough away from canon that it is HONESTLY AU.

-Best Romance:
Have you ever read a fic that is so romantic that your heart flutters and you can't stop smiling? This isn't about sex, this isn't about humor, this is about love.

-Best Smut/Sex Scene:
Now THIS one is pretty simple. Sex. All of the sex. Kinky sex, sweet and dirty sex, just... sex! This can be PWP OR a scene from a larger fic.

-Best Fantasy/Supernatural:
This is for your AU's that involve something of the fantasy or supernatural nature. Were!fics are a popular example of this category in this fandom but it could be ghosts or leprechauns or OUTER SPACE!!! Anything that's fantastic, sci-fi, or supernatural!

-Best Crack Fic:
Crack fic is humorous fic that is ABSOLUTELY INSANE! Generally, crack isnt serious fic, it's just silly and fun. That imaginary Adam/Big Foot fic I joked about would PROBABLY be crack fic, lol.

-Best Crossover:
This means a crossover with another fandom! It can be ANY fandom, as long as there is an element of crossover with the plot, setting, or characters. Fics that are crossover DO count as rare-pairing fics!

Please copy this nomination form and paste it into the body of your email:

Nominations Ballot!

Each person is allowed to send in one ballot. You should pick ONE (1) fic per category. Please include the title (if applicable), author’s name, and a link. NO LOCKED FICS MAY BE NOMINATED! PLEASE CHECK YOUR LINKS! If you don’t have a nomination for a category feel free to leave that space empty. Please consult nomination info post for clarification on what each category includes. Incorrect nominations are subject to being thrown out at mod’s discretion. Any nomination submitted after nomination deadline will not be counted. Have fun!

1. Best Author:
2. Best Series:
3. Best Chaptered Fic:
4. Best Non-Chaptered Fic:
5. Most Original Plot:
6. Best Gen/Non-Slash:
7. Best Adommy:
8. Best Kradam:
9. Best Rare-Pair:
10. Best Comedy:
11. Best Drama:
12. Best Angst:
13. Best AU:
14. Best Romance:
15. Best Smut/Sex Scene:
16. Best Fantasy/Supernatural:
17. Best Crack Fic:
18. Best Crossover:

Any remaining questions can be directed to the comm email ( ) OR directly to the mods!

YOU WILL GET A CONFIRMATION EMAIL WHEN WE GET YOUR NOMINATIONS! If you get no reply, we may not have gotten your email. Also, check back because we may have issues we need to discuss!

mod!post, nomination post

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