Glam Kink Meme Post #1

Aug 11, 2010 20:25

The Glam Kink Meme Post #1 is now open.

Have fun prompting, writing, reading, and feedbacking. :)

ETA: All prompts are listed here.

ETA2: All filled prompts are archived here.

ETA3 This post is now CLOSED to new prompts.

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Tommy/MC (dub-con), Tommy/Adam anonymous September 5 2010, 01:28:44 UTC
Some guy starts getting really forward with Tommy, getting all up in his space, putting an arm around his waist, all that jazz, to the point Tommy starts feeling uncomfortable. For some reason he doesn't want/can't tell the guy to back off. So in comes Adam, and because he's a good friend and bigger than Guy, and he makes a point of running interference by getting even more physical with Tommy in a clear "back off, this one's taken" sort of move. What happens then?


Re: Tommy/MC (dub-con), Tommy/Adam symphonyink September 5 2010, 17:11:10 UTC
I'd read this! I like a possessive, "he's mine" Adam~


Re: Tommy/MC (dub-con), Tommy/Adam anonymous September 6 2010, 01:35:27 UTC
*iz ninja*


Re: Tommy/MC (dub-con), Tommy/Adam symphonyink September 6 2010, 19:33:31 UTC
Damnit, stop doing that!
Who are you, I DEMAND!


FILL: Hit the Road, Jack silentdescant June 30 2011, 19:48:48 UTC
on my journal...

Hit the Road, Jack


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