Title: Midnight Art
Pairing/Characters: Tommy/Isaac/Ashley
Rating (Word Count): G (4x100)
Warning(s): None
Author's notes: Thanks to
i_glitterz for the beta job:)
They have been drinking and laughing and having so much fun; just bonding. Ashley fits in with Isaac and Tommy in a way none of them ever expected. She just gets them and Adam’s whole vision.
They talk about growing up, all the crazy shit they did in high school. It quickly becomes a game of who can out do who with their stories. When Ashley tells them about the prank on the high school Principal, Tommy gets a glint in his eye and they know they are in deep trouble now. There is no changing his stubborn mind now.
It’s a few hours later when they find the car pulling into Von’s; the three of them in a fit of giggles. They are just on the other side of tipsy, not so drunk they are falling down. Ashley pulls out the worn shopping cart and looks over at Tommy.
"Get in, I’ll push you!” She says with a grin on her face, testing to see how far he will go.
She holds the cart while Isaac helps lift his ass into the thing. Their voices and laughter echo off the walls of the quiet store so late at night.
When they reach the aisle, Ashley grabs some packs of toilet paper. Just as Tommy finds the bundle size and pulls it into the cart, Isaac snaps the picture. They laugh at how ridiculous it all looks but continue on, grabbing some snacks and caffeine before making their way to the check out.
The clerk gives them a look, rolling her eyes but doesn't even ask them. Heading out the door, they pile into the car ready for the short trip to their target’s house. It’s late and hopefully he will be sound asleep by the time they get close.
They cover Adam’s house and trees and anything they can reach in the white streamers. With hushed whispers, they move as quiet as they can, hoping not to set off some internal sense Adam seems to have when Tommy and Isaac causing trouble.
When the yard is covered, they take pictures before they drive away. With laughter they leave their art work for Adam to find in the morning. He will never know it was them.
Except for that picture that Ashley just had to share.
By morning, they realize midnight secrets are better if they are kept off twitter.