So, a few nights ago, Karla had gotten a...
very interesting voicemail. Then, however, had come Anakin's distress call and hilarious voicemails had gotten ignored in favor of getting here, assessing the situation, and figuring out what to do. But now, without a wedding to distract her--it wasn't like she was paying attention to her schedule anyway--
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Of course, that did leave the option of confronting Jaime open, laaa.
"I'm not arguing that Jaime doesn't have a right to unilaterally end a relationship for any reason. Because he does; anyone does. But the way he's presenting it as what's best for both parties and--like you said--half-convincing you that it's what's right? That's what I take issue with, dammit."
Yeah. Color Karla enthused.
"As for the island, I didn't get badly injured, I didn't get infected--" though it had been a close call on several occasions, "--crazy, though, I'm not sure I can answer honestly. Warren got infected. By the end of the week, there wasn't anything left."
A glimmer, perhaps, of what he'd been. But barely enough to count.
"And how'd you get stuck with the kids? It's important, and someone has to do it, and honestly I'm glad you're taking a break, but..." Yeah. Did they sit on her head to make her stay in one place, or what?
"How's he doing now?" Dinah asked, concerned. "Momoko was just holding it together when she got here. It reminded me of two years ago," she said, her voice dropping. "How were you while he was going nuts?"
She'd heard some talk about testing tomorrow, but Dinah would sleep better not knowing that. Till afterwards.
"As for Warren, well...not great. We're underground and he doesn't do well in small places." Which just made her memories of other-Warren that much worse, confined in a cell as he'd been. "And his claws aren't going away. He's not handling that well, either."
She didn't want to answer Dinah's last question, so instead she added, "His feathers fell out last week. They're growing back in but for a day or so...he had no wings."
Yeah, afterwards, there'd be more headdesking.
"God, I'm sorry. That sounds really rough on him." The first thing everyone noticed about Warren was those wings; to lose those, even temporarily-- it had to mess with him, bad. Not to mention remind him of Other-Raven wearing them as a cloak. Gaaaah. "...and that had to suck for you, too. A lot. I wish I were there to help. Or just give you a hug." Yeah, nice try at diversion there, Karla.
"Well, it wasn't like I was alone in the 'going crazy' bit," Karla said, sighing. "Mine was just slightly more metaphorical than most. It's...hard, trying to Heal something that refuses to be. Neither me or Raven could make a dent in it. And how do you fight a rock? It was aggravating."
Aggravating. Terrifying. Worrying. Whatever.
But they hadn't lost anybody. Thank the Darkness. They hadn't lost anyone.
"It was close, but we pushed it back in time. Managed to push the taint back into the rock and launch it into space. The island's recovering now."
At Euro-Disney.
...And dodging questions like she was being paid to. Details.
Yeah, keep that in mind, Karla. You lie, and the clairvoyant will have a nightmare.
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