New WIP Fic: Gilt Cage. Fandom Torchwood/Doctor Who crossover Part 20

Jul 30, 2011 13:20

Rating: Adult Only

Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who

Pairings: Jack/Ianto, Ianto/other.
Summary: Ianto has an historic stalker.

Warning: swearing, m/m kissing. Sex

Just a reminder I do not own Torchwood, or Doctor some &%^@(  jerk .... Well, just to let you know I make no money and only intend this for entertainment.

This story takes place shortly after Meat. I liked the episode but it left a few question for me at the end.

The feedback and comments have been great and feed the muse. Hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 20

Ianto put the finishing touches on Jack’s cup of coffee. It was hard to believe that he had been here for the last eight weeks. He was becoming more confused with each day passing about how he felt being here with this future’s Jack. He was becoming more and more at home but he was unsure if he should feel annoyed that no one had come looking for him or be grateful that no one had come looking for him. He had no idea what he was going to do if he had to make a choice.

“It is ready yet?” Jack asked, from behind Ianto’s shoulder.

“You had a cup an hour ago.”

“I’m making up for a few thousand years, you know?” Jack said, giving Ianto a big pout.

“How about you go set us up a spot on the terrace? I’ll bring the coffee and some of those biscuits that you like so much. I know Cook made some for us, not that I’ve gotten many.”

“What can I say, they are perfect with coffee.”

Ianto ran a hand over Jack’s stomach. “I’m just saying that some of us have enjoyed a few more than they should.”

“Are you saying I’m fat?” Jack shouted. “You have been after me to put on some weight, saying I was too thin.”

Ianto startled at the anger Jack was showing. “Hey, I was kidding. I’m sorry. It’s great to see you putting on weight and enjoying food again. Is everything all right?” Ianto couldn’t help but notice something seemed to be bothering Jack. He had tried to bring it up but Jack would just kiss him and tell him he was fine.

“No, I’m sorry,” Jack said, wrapping his arms around Ianto’s waist. “You know me I’m sensitive about my looks. Especially now that I’ve got me a hot young man.”

“You have nothing to worry about, Jack, you know that.”

“I do.” Jack gave Ianto’s neck a nibble. “How about we take out coffee and those biscuits upstairs?”

“No way, if you had your way we would never get out of our room. I want some sunshine.”

“Fine, spoilsport, I’ll go set us up something.”

Ianto was a little worried about the wink Jack gave him. “Jack, what are you planning?”

“Nothing,” he sang heading outside.

Ianto shook his head and finished making the coffee. He found a carafe to put the wonderful brew in and he gathered a few of the biscuits and put them on a plate. He was looking around for a tray when Cook came in.

“Can I help you, Mr. Ianto?”

“Oh yeah, I need a tray to take these out to Jack. I know there had to be one around here somewhere, unless Wooster sleeps, or should I say recharges with them.”

“I think you could be right, he is very particular about those,” Cook said. She went to one of the many cupboards in the large kitchen. “It might not be silver or as fancy as those one of Wooster’s but this should work.” She pulled out a plain wooden tray. “Here you go.”

Ianto put his hand out for it but she ignored it and went over and started to place the dishes and the treats on it.

“Really, you don’t have to wait on me, Cook. I am perfectly capable of gathering up biscuits and making coffee.” In fact, he insisted on making the coffee. Once the first of the coffee had been roasted, Jack had presented him with a coffee machine. It wasn’t quite as fancy as his one in the Hub but it was pretty good considering Jack had it made from memory.

“It’s what I do, Mr. Ianto, it’s what I was made for,” Cook said, handing the serving tray to Ianto, on it was two china cups, the thermos and a dozen cookies. “It’s the least I can do for all the joy you’re bringing the Captain. He loves you very much.”

Ianto just gave her a smile and took the tray. “It works both ways.”

He headed out to the stone terrace at the back of the house. There was no sign of Jack.

“Jack, where are you?”

“Over here,” Jack said, his head popping through a small opening in a copse of evergreen trees.

“What are you doing over there?”

“Come join me, bring the coffee and the biscuits. Hurry, I have something to show you.”

“I bet you do,” Ianto said with a grin. He followed Jack down a little trail to a small white tent was set up underneath a large fir tree. The flap of the tent was open and Ianto could see pillows piled in the middle on a thick dark red carpet. It resembled the Bedouin tents he had seen in National Geographic.

“You know me so well,” Jack said taking the tray, placing it on a small serving table near the pile. He pulled Ianto into his arms and gave him a chaste kiss with a hint of passion.

“What’s all this?”

“Well,” Jack drawled. “I can’t seem to get you to make love outside so I thought this would be the next best thing. We’re secluded and I told Wooster and Cook to not come looking for us that we needed some alone time.”

Jack led him over to the middle of the tent and helped him to sit down on one of the larger cushions. Ianto watched carefully as Jack poured the coffee into the two cups. He handed them both to Ianto. “Here, hold this one for me while I grab the plate and come join you.”

Ianto held on tight to the dishes as he shifted when Jack sat down beside him. He let himself settle into the soft bolsters and into the warmth of Jack.

“This is nice,” Ianto said with a sigh. He had sip of his coffee, perfect as always.

“Yeah, it is.” Jack took Ianto’s hand in his. “I always wanted to take you to some place exotic. Somewhere it would be just the two of us. ”

“You mean travelling to Splott to chase weevils wasn’t exotic for you?”

“I’m serious; I always imagined calling the Doctor up and asking if he could whisk us away to Taluos V. We could have spent weeks sitting by the most gorgeous aqua blue oceans and the whitest beaches.”


“He could have brought us back a few minutes after we left.”

“Would he have done that for us?” Ianto asked, his head resting on Jack’s shoulder. He closed his eyes, and lost himself in the feeling of Jack rubbing his hand over his stomach. He felt like a big cat.

“Yeah, he owed...owes me big time. But I never seemed to have the time to make the call and then...”

“Jack?” Ianto turned to look in Jack’s eyes. He recognized the look, it was lost, despair, and hopelessness. “It’s all right to say it. You can say then you died.”

Jack pulled him close. “Don’t make it sound so casual, like you’re just taking out the garbage or ordering a pizza. This is your life we’re talking about.”

“I work for Torchwood. I am well aware of the life expectancy of field agents. It really isn’t all that different from feeding the weevils or stocking up the SUV it’s all part of my job.”

“Not anymore. That part of your life it over. Now all you have to worry about is growing coffee and making love to a handsome older man.”

Ianto gave Jack as sad smile. “Is it that easy? When I first arrived, you made it sound like someone was going to be hot on my heels demanding me back.”

“Are you sorry that no one’s come looking for you?”

“I don’t know. Maybe a little. I’m happy here. I really am but...”


“I can’t help but think about what is happening back in Cardiff. How my being here is going to change history. Boy, don’t I sound like some egotistical jerk. I’m sure the fate of the world doesn’t matter on you and the rest of the team getting their meat feast on time but you like to think you matter a little to the world.”

Jack took his face in his hands and gave him such a gentle kiss. “Oh my love, do not ever doubt that you are worth so much more than you can imagine.”


“Oh yeah.”

Ianto sat back in Jack’s warm arms. He loved being held like this but he couldn’t help wondering more about the future he would have had if he was still back on Earth. Not that it mattered, if it happened or didn’t happen he would deal with it. Right now the only thing he had to worry about was what his lover had planned. Ianto decided to make Jack work a little.

“Hmmm maybe I should have tried to play harder to get when I woke up here.”

“Excuse me?”

“It seems to me I could have made you work a little. Maybe woo me a little more. I wasn’t even here a day before we were back in bed.”

Jack jumped Ianto so that he was laying flat on the spread of pillows. “You my dear Welshman have never been easy. I had to flirt and harass you for almost a year before I got a kiss.”

“I wanted to make sure I wasn’t just an easy shag for you. You’re reputation more than preceded you, sir, and there was Lisa. I wanted to stay true to her even if every part of me wanted to just throw myself at your feet.”

“You wanted to do that?” Jack asked, kissing the back of Ianto’s ears.

“Oh yeah, how did you think I came up with the list of what we could do with that stopwatch? I had a lot of time to think.”

“Have you added any to the list?”

Ianto jerked when he felt Jack nibbling on his earlobe.

“One or two but all I want right now is for you to make love to me, please Jack. I miss the feel of you in me.”

“You sure?” Jack asked.

“Please, I want nothing more than you inside me.” Ianto could feel his face on fire. Jack had always tried to encourage him to ask for what he wanted but he still got embarrassed when he asked.

“I love the way you blush.”

Ianto gave Jack a hard kiss. “You wanted to make love outside and there is no place better than our home. We can become one under our sky.” Ianto’s need for Jack was making him brave.

“It would be my pleasure.”

Ianto closed his eyes while Jack quickly stripped him of the jeans and shirt he was wearing. It didn’t take long for Jack to remove his clothes and join him back on the pillows.

He didn’t even try to hold back his moans as Jack licked and suckled his nipples. Being with Jack had taught his so much about his own body and not fighting his own needs. He bucked when he felt Jack’s mouth swallow his hard throbbing cock.

“Jack, please take me. I need you, want to come together.”

“Shhh, I’m right here, going to take good care of you, I promise. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

Ianto clutched onto the pillows as one finger, then another and finally a third one entered him.

“Ready?” Jack asked.

Ianto nodded, not trusting himself to talk.

“I needed to hear you. I’m not going any further-”

“Fuck me, already!”

“See was that so difficult to say.”

Before Ianto could tell Jack off, he was being breeched. He grabbed onto Jack’s shoulders and wrapped his legs around Jack’s waist, pushing up to meet every thrust.

“That’s it baby,” Jack whispered into Ianto’s ear. “Come for me, just from my cock.”

Ianto loved listening to Jack’s voice talking dirty to him. “So close, love,” Ianto moaned.

“Me too, I’m coming Ianto, come for me.”

As soon as Ianto felt Jack explode inside him he couldn’t hold back and came too.

“Oh my God, that was so intense,” Jack said, kissing Ianto’s lips, eyes and cheeks. “I love you so much, don’t ever forget it.”

“I won’t. I love you too, Jack, always will but want to sleep now in your arms.” He felt empty when Jack slipped out of him but the need for sleep was too great.

Ianto heard Jack saying something but the call of Morpheus was to strong and soon he was dreaming about blue oceans and clean white beaches.



jack/ianto, m/m kissing, crossover dw/tw, m/m sex, time travelling

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