New WIP Fic: Gilt Cage. Fandom Torchwood/Doctor Who crossover Part 19

Jul 28, 2011 21:55

Rating: Adult Only

Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who

Pairings: Jack/Ianto, Ianto/other.
Summary: Ianto has an historic stalker.

Warning: swearing, m/m kissing. Sex

Just a reminder I do not own Torchwood, or Doctor some &%^@(  jerk .... Well, just to let you know I make no money and only intend this for entertainment.

This story takes place shortly after Meat. I liked the episode but it left a few question for me at the end.

The feedback and comments have been great and feed the muse. Hope you enjoy it.

This should answer a few questions about where the Doctor is and what's going on with the TARDIS.

I have spent most of the night trying to get this posted, I hope it works because LJ is kicking my ass.

Chapter 19

Amy was sure someone was playing an intergalactic joke on her. It had never taken them so long before to get somewhere before, including the time they had travelled through the time tsunami of the Pelopin system.

“So much for instant travel. Are we there yet?” Amy demanded, cringing when she sounded like a five-year old.

“It’s not like we’re just popping down to the shops, Pond,” the Doctor reminded her. “We’re on the trail of a kidnapper. Stealth is of the utmost importance. We don’t want to announce that we’ve found their trail have we? I don’t think I’ve ever even been to this part of the galaxy, and certainly not in this year.” He punched a couple of buttons, and pointed to the map on the console screen.

“Where are we?” Amy asked, trying to see over his shoulder. “Just looks like a lot of dots to me.”

“This is the Kenddler system. The trail for Jack’s Ianto seems to lead us here. I wonder why, there’s never been much out here, at least not that I’ve heard about. But the universe is expanding.”

“Who was the bloke in the coat, Doctor, really?” Rory asked. “He seemed rather surprised by your appearance. Nor did he seem to know you River.”

“The joys of time travelling, nothing has to happen in the correct order,” River said. “But the Captain was surprised by your face, so I surmise that this would be the first time he saw this regeneration.”

“I suppose so,” the Doctor mused, watching something on the screen. “Things with Jack have always been complicated. He’s known me through a few changes but nothing in Jack’s life has been all that easy and if we don’t get Mr. Jones back things will be even more difficult and not just for him but for the Earth.”

“What do you mean by that-?” Amy asked as the floor disappeared from under her. She crashed landed on Rory. “What the hell just happened?”

“I have no idea,” the Doctor shouted running around the centre console. “There is some kind of dampening field around this area of space. Someone doesn’t want any visitors. I think it’s a clocking device.”

“What is this, Star Trek?” Rory asked, pushing himself up off the floor.

“Fiction has always spurned on scientific development,” River said, pushing the Doctor out of the way. “Here, let me do that. Last time you pushed that button we ended up in Antarctica with the doomed Scott party and I had frost bite on places I didn’t know I had.”

“How can I get blamed for something I haven’t done yet?”

“Spoilers, sweetie. This is very heady stuff we’re looking at. Usually there is something to indicate where the planet should be, a shimmer or some kind of seismic reading but there is nothing. The only reading I’m getting is us and a few thousand rocks, some kind of asteroid field.”

“So what does that mean?” Amy asked, hand on hips. She was all in favour of a rescue mission but she was getting annoyed, and that never ended well. She just wanted to get the World War 2 ace his man back so they could all be on their way.

“We’re going to have to check every inch of this system from end to end,” the Doctor said with a sigh.

“That could take years,” Rory whined.

“Twenty, at the most,” River said.

“Then we had better get started,” the Doctor said.

“Doctor,” Amy said pulling his hand off the control. “Who is the Jack? You can’t really expect us to spend the next two decades spinning around this backwater part of the universe for him.”

“Someone I owe a great deal to, and that’s all you need to know. I can return you back to Earth if that’s what you want.”

“No, it’s not what I want. I want to understand why you dropped everything to answer a call to help a man who until today I had never heard about.”

“He’s a friend. I’m sure I haven’t heard about all your friends or acquaintances.”

Amy huffed, and leaned against the rail. She knew she was being a bit of a pain but she was really looking forward to spending some time with Rory on Arturus XI. The beaches were the best in the galaxy, or so River said.

The Doctor came to stand next to Amy. “I’ve known Jack a long time, and I wasn’t there when he really needed me, and it ended up costing him dearly. Jack has lost and will lose just about everything and everyone who matters to him.”

“How?” Rory asked.

“That doesn’t matter. He was once a companion of mine long ago. Well longer for him than me.”

“Concentrate Doctor,” Amy said.

“Right, well, we ran into some trouble.”

“Nothing new there,” Rory said.

“Shush,” Amy said, hitting her husband on the arm. “Continue, Doctor.”

“Any way we ran into some trouble,” the Doctor said, going back to pushing a few buttons.

“And?” Amy asked. “You can’t just leave it there.”

“Yes, I can. It’s not my story to tell.

“Fine,” Amy said, tossing her hands up in disgust. “But we have to find a faster way to locate this Ianto.”

“I think I might have found one,” River said, pointing at the screen. “Look there’s a ship. It’s a small flyer, but it seems to know where it’s going.”

“Well it’s the only thing we’ve got to go on,” the Doctor said. “We might as well follow it, and see where it goes. Maybe someone there can tell us what way to go.” Amy watched the Doctor and River both pushing and pulling buttons and levers but instead of moving they stopped.

“What the hell?” the Doctor exclaimed, moving around to the other side. “We aren’t going anywhere.”

“Why not?” Amy asked.

“I have no idea; we have power, and a direction to go but the TARDIS just won’t budge. It’s like she’s digging her heels in.”

“You would have to only time travelling machine that’s also a donkey,” Amy griped.

“Has she ever done this before?” Rory asked.

“No, any time she couldn’t move before there was a reason for it. I’m sure there is now it’s just not one we can see.” The Doctor went down on his knees and began pulling off one of the panels. “I’ll have to do a little investigating. Amy, you and Rory might as well go relax. I have no idea how long this is going to take. River, grab the Eddwer spanner and get over here and help me. You’re always telling me you know more about this ship than I do.”

River picked up a larger bronze tool, and crawled in beside the Doctor. “Well, I do but I had a great teacher,” she said with a grin and wink to Amy. “Make them feel important,” River stage whispered to Amy.

“I heard that,” the Doctor sang, his voice echoing inside the console.

“As did I,” Rory said.

Amy hugged Rory. “You’ll always be important to me.”

“It’s not the vortex capacitor, and there is enough fuel. We got a refill when we were in Cardiff. There is no reason we shouldn’t be moving.” The Doctor climbed back up.

“Maybe she doesn’t want to go to the planet?” Rory suggested. “Perhaps she knows it’s too dangerous for us, for you and she wants to keep you safe.”

“Never stopped her before from taking us to some insanely hazardous places before,” Amy reminded them. “We haven’t had too many walks on the beach since we met.”

“Is there anything that can scare a TARDIS?” Rory asked.

“Maybe she’s sick? Amy offered. “You’re always saying she’s sentient. Could she get a virus?”

“Like a computer?” Rory asked.

“I wonder,” the Doctor said. “She doesn’t get sick but she does have an allergy of a sort.”

“To what?” Amy asked.

“Not a what, a who.”

Rory sighed. “Fine, then who.”

“Captain Jack Harkness.”

“There didn’t seem to be any problem back in Cardiff,” River said. “In fact, I got the feeling from her she was quite excited to be seeing him again.”

“Me too,” the Doctor agreed. “She had no problem rushing off to see him.”

“So what does it all mean?” Amy asked.

“I really don’t know. But for now I think we’re stuck here until she decided to move, and I don’t think there’s anything we can do about it until then.”



jack/ianto. amy/rory, crossover dw/tw

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