New WIP Fic: Gilt Cage. Fandom Torchwood/Doctor Who crossover Part 16

Jul 23, 2011 15:34

Rating: Adult Only

Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who

Pairings: Jack/Ianto, Ianto/other.
Summary: Ianto has an historic stalker.

Warning: swearing, m/m kissing. Sex

Just a reminder I do not own Torchwood, or Doctor some &%^@(  jerk .... Well, just to let you know I make no money and only intend this for entertainment.

This story takes place shortly after Meat. I liked the episode but it left a few question for me at the end.

The feedback and comments have been great and feed the muse. Hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 16

Ianto stretched out and was surprised when his hand hit something...someone.

“Morning. Well, more like early afternoon.” Jack leaned over and gave him a long kiss.

“Jack, you’re still here?”

“Why wouldn’t I be? I had the best view in the universe. I forgot how beautiful you are when you are sleeping. You look so young and at peace.”

Ianto shrugged ignoring the comment about him looking younger. “You were usually gone when I woke up, even when I stayed overnight at the Hub. If it weren’t for some of the physical evidence left behind I would have thought I imagined the whole thing.”

Jack pulled Ianto closer to his side and gave him a kiss on the forehead. Ianto ran his fingers over the smooth skin of Jack’s chest. “Sorry,” Ianto said. “I’m being a brat. I know you could only give me so much.”

“No, you aren’t a brat and you have nothing to be sorry about. I’m the one who is sorry, I should have given you more, or at least let you know I wanted to. Unless there was an emergency of the Earth-shattering kind, I should have been there with you when you woke, let you know how much you meant to me that you were more than just a part time anything. Sleep has never been something I need a lot of but watching you...Well, there’s nothing I can think of better except for maybe this.” Jack kissed Ianto.

Ianto grabbed onto the back of Jack’s head, pulling him closer. He invited Jack’s tongue in.

There was a knock at the door. Both Jack and he jumped.

Wooster didn’t seem bothered with the two of them entangled in the sheets. But then again if Jack programmed him, modesty would have been one of his first overwrites. He was carrying a tray with covered plates and a pot of tea.

The tea was all right for a quick fix but if he didn’t get coffee soon he was going to have some serious headaches to deal with. The threat of a headache might bring Jack around to his way of thinking but he wouldn’t be happy if he could have sex because he was in caffeine withdrawal.

“Sorry, Captain, but Cook insisted I bring up something for you two to eat. She said it had been hours since you ate. I’ll set it up at the table near the window, shall I?”

“That would be fine. Tell Cook thank you for looking after us.”

“I believe she’s of the opinion that if she didn’t then no one would, Captain.” Wooster went over to a small table with two chairs and began setting up their meal.

“While I appreciate them trying to fatten you up Jack, I’m going to be the size of a house if I keep eating Cook’s food.”

“Oh for... Ianto, you could put on a few pounds and still be scrawny. Now, let’s eat.”

Ianto pulled the sheets tight around himself when Jack slipped out of the bed. Jack held out his hand but Ianto wasn’t going. He still wasn’t about to show the silver-skinned man anything extra.

“I forgot about your modesty,” Jack said.

“It’s not just me. You always did think the 21st century rather prudish.”

Jack gave a slight smile. Ianto was sure he was remembering something. “Oh, yeah, but it did mean more when I got you out of those fine suits, and I can recall a few games of naked hide and go seek.”

Ianto blushed and pulled the blankets over his head.

“Will there be anything else, Captain, Mr. Ianto?”

“No!” Ianto said from under the covers.

“I think that will be all, Wooster, and don’t take Mr. Ianto’s reaction personally. The 21st century believed that the body was meant to be covered.”

“As he wishes but he has nothing to be ashamed off.”

“Did he just flirt with me?”

“Yep,” Jack said.

“Shall I return for the dishes later?” Wooster asked.

“We will leave the dishes outside the door,” Ianto said, still hiding. He should have known Jack would make a robot who could flirt.

“I do not mind coming back, leaving dirty dishes on-.”

“It was common practice in my time,” Ianto said firmly.

“As you wish, you are the boss.”

When Wooster left Jack was there, again with his hand out but this time he was holding the robe from before.

“What is it with you and red? The walls, the robe, there are a hell of a lot of red shirts in that massive closet,” Ianto said, sliding his arms into the sleeves.

“It’s your colour,” Jack said, giving Ianto’s neck a brief kiss that left him shivering.

“That you can remember,” he squeaked as Jack reached around the front of the grown and fondled him. To his shock he thrusted into those warm hands.

“I remember all the important stuff, like how you make the most delightful sound when you come. Or the sound of disapproval when you think I’m being callous about my deaths.”

Jack spun Ianto around and sank to his knees. “Best of all, I remember how much you loved me going down on you.”

Ianto gasped as he felt that familiar warmth surround him but there was something different. It felt more like Jack was worshipping him. He ran his fingers through Jack’s hair; hard enough to let Jack know he was there and that neither of them were dreaming this.

“I’m here, baby,” Ianto moaned, not worried about having to hold back his feelings or the words of love he had wanted to shout. “I’m very close.”

“Come for me, my love,” Jack said, returning his attention to bringing Ianto the most exquisite pleasure he had ever known.

“That was incredible,” Ianto panted, as he slid to the ground.

“Yep,” Jack agreed, pulling Ianto onto his lap.

“How about I take care of you?” Ianto asked turning to face Jack.

“You already did. Told you, you make some sexy noises. Couldn’t help myself.”

Ianto gave Jack a kiss before he laughed.

“What is it?” Jack asked. “I don’t think I remember that reaction before.”

“Just envisioning the picture we’re making. Glad Wooster hadn’t seen me like this.”

“You know he’s an android. He doesn’t really think about that sort of thing, in spite of the flirting. He’s programmed to serve, and he and Cook both do a great job of it, don’t you think?”

Ianto snorted. “I’m a little worried to know how far he thinks serving goes.”

“Nothing like you’re thinking of, Mr. Jones, I assure you. Although there are companion androids if you are so inclined. Didn’t know you had it in you to think that way?”

“I do not! 21st century guy here. Not sure that goes away no matter what century I’m living in. How about you show me how to use that huge shower?” Ianto wanted to change the subject before Jack started on some crazy story about how he had an orgy with the Borg.

“Better, how about we use the nice big tub so I can make sure every inch of you is clean? Then we can see what Cook sent up.”

Ianto got to his feet. It was his turn to hold out a hand. “Then we have to talk about how to get me some coffee. There is no way I’m staying here with a sex maniac like you without some real caffeine, and damn soon. What?” Ianto asked at the silly smile he saw on Jack’s face.

“You sound like you want to stay.”

Ianto caressed Jack’s face, he thought about making a joke about not staying if there was no coffee but one look at the hope in those clear blue eyes and he couldn’t make light of their feelings for each other. This place was like a dream or being on holiday. Sooner or later you woke up or had to go home and back to work.

“I’m not so sure it’s up to me, is it? I can see you mean every word about wanting things to be different and without Torchwood or the fate of the Earth weighing down on your shoulders you are a very different person and I would love to spend the rest of my life time getting to know you-”


“Won’t all this change history? Isn’t your Doctor going to get upset with you messing about with time and all. I’m not saying my disappearance or reappearance is going to change the world-”

Jack put his finger over Ianto’s lips. “We have time to talk about this later. For now believe me Ianto Jones you are the only man I would destroy a world for, or losing would destroy mine.”

Ianto had no idea what to say to that, so, he took Jack’s hand and headed for the bath.



kidnapping, same sex sex, m/m kissing, crossover dw/tw, time travelling

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