New WIP Fic: Gilt Cage. Fandom Torchwood/Doctor Who crossover Part 5

Jul 10, 2011 15:46

Title: Gilt Cage

Author: Glenda

Rating: Adult Only

Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who

Pairings: Jack/Ianto, Ianto/other.
Summary: Ianto has an historic stalker.

Because of all the great feedback I've gotten I was able to get done another part today. Hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 5

Jack sat back down on the overstuffed fake leather couch. He gave out a loud sigh. He knew what happened today with 14, had to happen but he still felt like a prick sending himself back out into the universe missing two years of his life. He had considered only erasing the past few days but when he thought back about it, it had to be this way.

He had spent almost a hundred years making this asteroid into the home Ianto deserved but it was only in the last two that he had spread the word that he was looking for a mercenary willing to travel into the twenty-first century. He had spent a bit of time sending messages back and forth with 14 before he felt he was the right man for the job. He didn’t realize it was himself until the rogue agent brought Ianto here, now those missing two years of his made perfect sense. He should have known that it would be himself first in line to make a quick buck.

It wasn’t that he hadn’t believed in the Time Agency and what it did, it was just that his reason for joining was to try and get Gray back. When that didn’t work, he decided to get as much out of them as he could.

Once he was sure the house was done he put out the word that it was time to bring him the big prize; Ianto Jones. Now he had the man of his dreams upstairs, he just had to convince Ianto that this was where he belonged. It wouldn’t be easy. Ianto had a streak of loyalty that was as large and the Medusa Cascade.

He pushed two buttons on his wrist strap and a square box came out of the centre of the coffee table. A light flashed and before him was a 3 dimensional picture of the old Torchwood hub. He grinned as he saw Owen and Gwen playing their own version of basketball against Toshiko and himself.

There was a loud screech, a big shadow fell over them and the ball disappeared.

“Myfanwy, bring that damn ball back here.” The four of them turned to see Ianto tapping his foot on the upper level. The pteranodon called from her nest. It sounded almost childlike in her refusal.

“Another lady who won’t listen to you, eh, tea boy?”

“Ddefnynna a b dde awron 'ch 'n hurt chroten,” Ianto shouted, ignoring Owen.

To everyone’s shock the dino listened this time and dropped the ball at the young man’s feet.

“Good girl,” Ianto said. He walked down and handed the ball to Jack. “Sorry about that sir, she wanted to play. I’ve been rather busy these last few days.”

“She understands Welsh?” Tosh asked.

Ianto shrugged. “I’ve spend a lot of time here at night.”

“That’s not a big surprise,” Owen muttered under his breath.

Everyone turned to stare at him, everyone that was but Ianto who continued to ignored him. “I often talk in Welsh at night when no one else is around, guess she’s just learned.”

Jack shook his head, watching the video back in the 51st century. He watched them to remember, but he always came away feeling ashamed of himself. He knew Ianto was a tough son of a bitch but that didn’t mean he shouldn’t have stood up for him. Maybe if he has shown a little more care and consideration the whole Lisa debacle never would have happened. Ianto could have trusted him enough that they wouldn’t have ended up holding guns on each other.

There was a gentle tap at the large wooden door of his study stopping his sad thoughts.

“Enter,” Jack said.

A tall thin looking man came in carrying a tray with tea and several covered dished. He might be three thousand years away from Cardiff and the United Kingdom but teatime still remained a staple in his life.

“I brought you refreshments, Captain.”

“Thank you, Wooster.” Jack sat up from the sofa he had been lounging on. “Has there been any stirrings from the guestroom?

“None yet sir. Shall I check on our visitor?” The butler poured tea from the fine silver pot into a rose covered teacup.

“No, don’t worry about it. I’ll look in on him myself.”

Wooster gave Jack the cup. “It is good to see you excited about something. Cook and I have been worried about you. Not that either of us approve of kidnapping, you understand?”

Jack gave a gentle laugh. “I’ll try to remember that. If things go the right way, I won’t have to do it again.”

“And if they don’t, Captain?” Wooster asked, placing several steaming dishes on the table.

“Let’s not go there.” Jack sat down at the table. Cook and Wooster had gone overboard once again with the food. “How much do you think I’m going to eat?”

“We keep living in hope.”

“Sure you do.” Jack reached for a few potatoes, vegetables and meat. “Will you join me?”

“It’s hardly appropriate.”

“Since when has that mattered?” Jack asked, cutting off a piece of the faux roast.

“Quite true,” Wooster said, pulling out the chair across from Jack. “You were watching your ancient videos again?”

“Yeah,” Jack said, taking a sip of his tea.

“Not having second thought?”

“No, actually if anything watching them has made me more determined than ever that I’m doing the right thing. No one deserves to be treated like they don’t matter and Harkness has no idea about how wonderful Ianto is or how to treat him.”

“You do realize you are talking about yourself, don’t you?”

“Who better than me to know what mistakes are being made?”

“Well when you explain it that way, I’m sure you know exactly what you are doing,” Wooster said, getting to his feet.

“Whatever it takes to keep him alive I’m going to do. It’s taking me this long to put my plan into action and no one not even the Doctor is going to stop me.”

“I wasn’t suggesting you do so. Please let Cook, know what Mr. Jones’ favourite foods are so that she can start making them for him. We do want him to feel at home. I’ll be back later for the dishes. Have a good evening, Captain.”

Jack watched Wooster leave. He pushed the food around on his plate before he finally gave in and went to see Ianto.

~~\\~~ TBC

team fix it, janto, crossover tw/dw

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