Title: Saving Lucy
Author: Gixxer Pilot
Summary: Cop!verse AU. A call to a possible home invasion leads to McCoy’s first long-term relationship since he left Georgia. For Jim Kirk, the prospect of an otherwise occupied partner is downright frightening.
Author’s Notes: I have no good explanation for this fic other than it was something that seemed
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Comments 10
Okay now I'm done laughing. Poor Jim... *laughs again* snake phobia... I love it! Good job!
Glad you liked it! But really, everyone has to have some kind of phobia, right? Right?
You already know how much I love this, but I'll just say it again for good measure: This fic is made of win. And I would argue that's its not crack - this feels totally realistic, which is why I love the cop!verse. It feels like just another day in their lives, and it's all absolutely plausible. I like that for once, Jim is the one with the phobia. Though I feel his pain here, because I would have shrieked and ran away the second Bones started waving his snake around.
Wait. *re-reads that last sentence* Well, put that way, maybe I wouldn't have exactly that reaction. ;)
Bring on the NCIS crossover! *waits patiently*
I was really surprised how well this one turned out, given how quickly I wrote it. What was it? About two days from conception to completion? That's a record for us I think! But really, these 'day in the life' fics are probably my favorite to write because they do feel natural, even if they're fun. Plus, it's always fun to finally let McCoy get the leg-up on Kirk. Figuratively, not literally. Oh, wait...
I totally loled when I read that end part of your comment at work. It's moments like that when I'm glad my office is tucked all the way in the back of our suite!
*looks at the open Word document with the NCIS crossover* Yes, mother! Working! Working!
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