Title: Misguided Angel
Author: giveitupjessica
Rating: PG-NC-17 (depending on the chapter)
Pairings: 2min, jongkey, kangteuk, minkhun
Genre: AU (kind of), romance, fantasy
Summary: I shouldn't be falling for him like this. I've never fallen for anyone but the one I have been bound to since I was created. So why am I suddenly doing whatever I can
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Comments 86
you posted <3 you really posted the next chapter<3
I didn't thought you would continue it<3
*goes to read it* by right back <3
yaaaay.. you can't imagine how happy I am right now<3
I'm sure most of your previous readers would be delighted to see the next chapter. *still reading*
I missed the characters so much,especially the naughty Taemin, the same as always<3 you did a great job at this chapter too.
You are really really good author and this story is so damn amazing!
Please please continue~!
oh, thanks you for this great chapter! :D
oh and please go and vote for my fic 3 Vanilla Candles over at shawol_haven THANKS!
I have been waiting for an update on this story for a long time, it is one of my favorites from you :)
Oh goodness Taemin in this just... he kills me he really does.
Minho trying so hard to no give in... no one can resist... and Taebb~ knows it
Please continue this story, it is to good to pass up!!
you gotta love minnie in this fic. he's all over minho and bossy and aggressive. it's fun to write. he's not as innocent as he acts. ;) minho won't be able to hold out much longer... obviously with how i ended the chap. thanks for reading bb!
oh and please go and vote for my fic 3 Vanilla Candles over at shawol_haven THANKS!
oh and please go and vote for my fic 3 Vanilla Candles over at shawol_haven THANKS!
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