Herbs & Spices, part one

Jul 07, 2008 21:46

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colorbars: food, colorbars, colorbars: food: spices

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Comments 11

paradiz July 8 2008, 05:06:44 UTC
Ohhhh I love Cayenne!! :D I love the color bar. HOw COOL! :D Thanks for sharing.


elfennau July 8 2008, 15:35:53 UTC
Love these! Took Saffron and Paprika. :)


elfinpoet July 8 2008, 18:56:19 UTC
I knew you would make these! WOW!!!

guess what??

I took them all!

You are awesome!


girlboheme July 8 2008, 19:56:32 UTC
:D Well, I had to (any excuse to make a colorbar and I'm on it). I don't know how popular they will be but I'll LOVE looking at the finished product. I will be making more, so keep a look out XD I've got about 4 more spicy ones and about 8 or so herb ones I'll be doing.


susannag July 8 2008, 20:16:44 UTC
These are great! Taking the Nutmeg, Paprika, and Saffron ones.


blaise_xo July 9 2008, 05:23:34 UTC
OH! I love these they are beautiful :). Taking Vanilla :)


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