Title: No Time For Wolves
girlupnorthRating: strong PG-13
Pairings: Jon/Sansa; Petyr/Sansa; Jon/Daenerys
Disclaimer: A song of ice and fire belongs to George RR Martin, and I am not making any profit off this story.
Length: 2,635 words (~19,000 total)
Spoilers: Including A Feast for CrowsSummary: In which Jon angsts, and the royal couple argues
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Comments 8
Also I love how Sansa is a mystery to Dany, since the two are like day and night to each other.
Which really highlights the similarities between Sansa and Jon actually.
Sansa vs Dany is a very important part of this story.
Sansa and Jon seem to me more different than they are similar, though they do have a lot in common.
Danaerys shines! I love her here. She's got a lot to learn, though... Her storming out actually almost made me laugh out loud. Emotions have to be controlled ;)
And the contrasts are nicely established. You win for writing this long a story and keeping it coherent!!!
You win for helping me out with this! :D
Jon! Ładnie chwytasz jego pov, i to nawet bez większego angstu jak na razie ;>
Dany jest ciekawa, a nawet nie denerwuje zbytnio (mało szans do tej pory? Oj, wiesz, że nie żywię do niej zbyt ciepłych uczuc ;))
A Daenerys będzie mało, ale mnie się dosyć podoba to, co będzie ;)
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