FIC: another day, another daring rescue (Star Trek XI; Rand "saves" Kirk)

Oct 07, 2010 22:50

Title: another day, another daring rescue
Author: Caliente/Bether
Summary: Captain Kirk has been captured by The Evil Warden and it's up to Janice Rand to save him.
Fandom: Star Trek (AOS)
Characters/pairings: James T. Kirk, Janice Rand, Christine Chapel (cameo), mentions of Leonard McCoy
Rating: PG (at most)
Word count: ~1050
Warnings: n/a
Author's Notes: Set post-film. I'm currently working on incorporated this into a "five times" fic about various ways Janice saves Kirk but it's complete on its own (and the rest of the five things are mostly WIP still).
Disclaimer: Characters mentioned are used without permission and are trademarks of CBS/Paramount/Gene Roddenberry. I do not own them and am simply borrowing for my purposes. Please don't sue.

(x-posted to kirk_rand)

His eyes aren't open but he knows it's her all the same. (She smells like lavender, vanilla and stress.) "You suck," he informs her when she's close enough that he can speak to her without alerting The Evil Warden or one of his many minions.

Her footfalls stop abruptly and he finally opens his eyes to see her standing just out of arm's reach with her hands on her hips and a pointed Look on her face. (This one roughly translates to, I would so hit you right now if you weren't my commanding officer and currently somewhat incapacitated.) "Excuse me?" she asks, one eyebrows rising in that way everyone on the senior staff seems to have mastered except for him. Damn them all and their ridiculous eyebrow skills. "Is that any way to greet your rescuer?"

He makes a face at her. "I happen to know for a fact you could've been here hours ago." He does, too. He heard some of the minions discussing it. "But no. You left me here. All alone. At his mercy."

She rolls her eyes and moves to his side, eyes scanning the displays around him. "Don't be such a baby."

"I'm not," he shoots back and it's okay because he's not whining-- really. (Starship captains don't whine, they just don't.)

"You are," she replies in her Very No-Nonsense Voice, which generally brokers no arguments. (Not unless he's in the mood for some verbal sparring, anyway.) "Besides he is your best friend."

Jim makes a face. "Not when he's in doctor mode he isn't. Then he's a sadistic tyrannical hypo-wielding sociopath."

Janice snorts softly. (He doesn't find it as unattractive as it probably is; he wonders if that means he's used to her or something else. Probably used to her. Yeah.) "I'm pretty sure at least two of those things are grounds for his medical license being revoked, so I'm going to assume you're exaggerating-- as usual." She punctuates with another Look (this one being her, You know I'm right stare), apparently done making certain he's mostly healed.

Jim pouts expertly. (So expertly that if pouting were an intergalactic sport, he'd so win the top honors. He's badass like that.)

"Stop that," she chides, signaling The Evil Warden's Second (aka Head Nurse Christine Chapel) over. "I'm getting you out now, aren't I?"

Jim takes a moment to grin and bat his eyes at Christine in the hopes she won't stab him in the neck (a la Bones the Sadistic) with the hypo she has in hand. Then he turns his attention back to his yeoman. "So you are." He pauses, tense for a moment as the hypo is applied, before relaxing again because it wasn't that bad. "What took you, anyway?"

Even though she's smiling at Christine, Jim can tell it's as much to avoid his gaze as express her thanks. "Oh, you know..." she shrugs noncommittally, "this and that."

Testing out the painkillers (or whatever it was he just got shot into his system), Jim sits up. So far, so good. It's almost as if he wasn't stabbed in the gut by an angry Gorn two days earlier. (Only not really because his muscles all ache and there's a general feeling of unwell about him but whatever; he's the captain and these things happen.) (Or maybe they happen because he's Jim Kirk but the moral of the story is that he's almost used to it by now.) "Uh-huh..."

She's watching him-- probably to be sure he doesn't try to leap out of bed like that one time he ripped all his newly regrown skin open and had to be operated on again-- and, as such, cannot avoid his imploring gaze. (He loves his eyes. They're blue and awesome and make girls do what he wants most of the time, even Janice Rand and she's kind of a hardass.) She folds, although the aggravated expression he gets for his trouble makes it seem less like folding and more like... well, tolerant exasperation. "Look, I just get a lot more done when you're not pestering me, okay?" He pouts again, mostly to annoy her. "And I refuse to get behind in filing our reports just because you can't entertain yourself for more than two minutes at a time when we're supposed to be working."

"Hey now, that's not true!" he objects. "I can entertain myself for at least five minutes." He smiles winningly. "You're just more fun." There's some double entendre in there, so he waggles his eyebrows for good measure.

Janice does not look amused. "Don't make me leave you here, Captain, because I will."

The first time she said that, Jim hadn't believed her. He'd woken up from the surprise sedative twelve hours later with a wicked hangover and standing orders to stay in Sickbay another day. Sufficed to say, he doesn't want that happening again. "Fine, fine. I'll behave, scouts honor."

"You were never a scout," she points out in a way that would probably make Spock proud.

Jim plays dumb-- mostly because it's funny. "What's your point?" He makes sure he's all angelic innocence when he speaks even though she hasn't bought that act since her first day on the job.

She's shaking her head as she helps him stand. (He's a little wobbly on his feet but it actually feels better than sitting, so there's that.) "I'm already regretting this..."

He makes a point to look affronted. "Hey! Who's the captain here?"

"You are, sir." He's pretty sure she's sassing him based on tone and all previous interactions. He doesn't actually mind, though, because (1) she is springing him from Sickbay and Bones' not-so-tender mercies, and (2) they both know she's the one who really keeps the ship running-- at least the bits that seem to breathe bureaucracy, anyway.

Part of him wants to say, "Damn right I am," but he learned that lesson the hard way, too, so he holds his tongue there. Instead, he grins slyly as she helps him into the turbolift. "So, your cabin or mine?"

Janice rolls her eyes and doesn't dignify that with a response. He doesn't mind much-- she did rescue him, after all. (Plus, his body's still too banged up to make good on any real offer, anyway.)

2010, fandom: star trek reboot

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