Girls Today: Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Apr 25, 2007 19:24

Ficlets and Drabbles
bitterfig wrote Pretty Kitty. Hermione/Myrtle. PG.
kabale wrote Five characters Tonks should be romantically paired with who aren't Remus Lupin, and Five reasons why Luna likes Tonks. Tonks/Luna, Tonks/Ginny, plus several het pairings. PG.

Editor's Pick! Anonymous wrote she likes killing you after you're dead. Bellatrix/Ginny. R.
freckles42 wrote Absolutely Straight. Ginny/Tonks. NC-17.
ireneadler wrote The Apple Orchard. Gabrielle/Hermione (friendship). G.
millieweasley wrote Performance. Hermione/Padma (unrequited); Padma/Theo. NC-17.
peskywhistpaw wrote Of Ribbons and Honesty. Pansy/Luna. G.

evalangui drew Always a Slytherin. Ginny/Pansy. G.
lightpoint drew Blue. Ginny/Luna. NWS.

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