Oliver :(((

Nov 10, 2010 12:45

I have been asked to make this public by a wonderful lady who is a long-time savior of kitties, and has a lot of ability to boost signals and get vet bills paid. So, I am making this entry (which was filtered before, for fear of ridicule by a handful of people), public. Bless the kind hearts of everyone who wants to help my boy. He and I just have too much to do, too much fun to have, to let him die because of the pride, shame and stupidity of his broke-ass human.

Oliver has a serious infection, which has been the cause of his ill behavior this last week. I spoke to a vet. They want him in now. They also want money now. We were denied for Care Credit, unfortunately, and there is a waiting time for pet insurance.

This is the same issue he had in September 2008, an abscess that needs to be treated and drained. This infection needs to be tended to immediately. Unfortunately, I am -$200 in the bank because a payment arrangement I set up came out today instead of Friday, which is pay day. I can't get him the help he needs. I am desperate to save him. He needs to be seen now - or this infection will get worse and untreatable.

This is a serious infection - I know this because of the prior experience. He is miserable and he needs to be seen today if possible. His bottom area is swollen and painful. He screamed when I lift him. He stares at me with his loving eyes, purring, and I know he expects me to fix it.

This ginger boy means everything to me. Everything.

If you want to help my boy, please help him. All donors will receive a copy of veterinary documentation once he is seen.

Any questions: please direct to: girlpirate@gmail.com

If you think I suck for posting this, please just scroll by. I just want to save my boy. I would donate to help you or your loved ones - any single one of you. I have donated to every single animal in need for years. Oliver deserves this chance.

Come Friday, both cats will be insured in the caring hands of Trupanion Pet Insurance. They have a waiting period however, and the abscess is a preexisting condition.


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