Chapter One

Apr 23, 2011 13:57

New Story!


Title: Of Minibots And Monsters

Rating: ... kinda high, actually. Not even counting porn.

Summary: Sometimes saving someone is worth it. Shockwave knows this very well.

Notes: There is abuse, mentions of rape, and lots of other things in this story. It is kinda triggery. Just... use caution, okay?

Infiltration and intelligence extraction were Shockwave's specialties. There were few places he could not break into, and few bits of intelligence that he could not gather, given enough time. Zone had several Autobot facilities that he was going to steal from, and it would hardly even be a workout on any level. There was no challenge to this. No effort expended in folding his frame down, flipping his insignia to an Autobot one, and strolling in after a quick hack to the databanks to make it appear that he was there for routine maintenance on their systems.

Then he would gather all the reports he needed and stroll out just as easily.

His size may have prevented him from joining the Autobot military and Elite Guard-they had begun to perform full, extensive medical evaluations on all recruits after a glitched Decepticon had tried to infiltrate, but it had not prevented Shockwave from taking on the guise of an Autobot technician. His cranebot frame in that form only made it seem more plausible, and crane models loved to fix things.

To his great amusement, he had even received a commendation from Autobot Command for his excellent repairs and programs that he placed in their systems for 'security.' Oh, yes, his firewalls would prevent any hacking attempt, but they also collected little packets of data and waited to transmit them whenever Shockwave so desired. Oh, yes, Longarm was an excellent system technician.

His only regret about his disguise was that Longarm was a largely asexual being, with few desires and no interest in interfacing. It meant that his long stints in that compacted frame left him with an aching, hot spark in desperate need of relief.

When he leaves the Autobot buildings a few megacycles later, his programs securely in place, ready to collect data or shut down the entire system at his command, Shockwave's spark is throbbing with need.

He makes his way across the city, thankful that this planet is so friendly to neutrals, and even to Decepticons, in the right neighborhoods. They were not a happy people, conquered by the Autobots and forced into labor to meet the needs of the empire. It was a largely industrial planet, and even those 'loyal' Autobots in positions of command here would look the opposite way when a Decepticon, or group of Decepticons chose to visit the city.

As long as they brought credits with them, the bots here were happy to serve them. Shockwave avoided Klau, the only city that was full of Autobot fanatics, on the opposite side of the planet. All Decepticons avoided that city, and all Klausians avoided the rest of the planet. It was a good arrangement of mutual, deliberate ignorance.

With this in his processor, Shockwave waits until he finds an isolated, dark alleyway, and folds his frame back up, stepping into the street lights again. None of the bots here spare him more than a second glance, used to the sight of Decepticons visiting to enjoy the seedier aspects of their society.

Ahead of him, a short ways away, is Shockwave's favorite little bar. It's a dark, filthy, and absolutely horrible place that has ceilings far too low, and the best energon this side of Quintessa. Shockwave does not even mind that he has to sit on the floor, which is sticky with spilled energon, and still crouch down to fit his frame inside.

He offlines his optic to enjoy the large cube he was given, and to better hear the talking around him. He loves how just by stepping in, they normally turn their conversation into various things he may be interested in, just because he sparks that line of conversation among the bots. In fact, there's one that is mentioning a minibot brothel. He's thankful for his training in keeping silent and secret, or he wouldn't have been able to control his revs.

He's never heard of a minibot brothel before. Minibots are just too precious to let into a profession like that. They're more likely to be snapped up for a private showing in the berth, rather than allowed to wander from spark to spark.

He knows better than to rush right out after hearing such wonderful news to soothe his hot and wanting spark. That will only alert everyone to what he's doing. While they look the other way - or even downright encourage in some cases - Decepticons roaming the streets, they will not look forward to him - well known minibot fancier that he is - shoving his way into a brothel at the first mention of a minibot.

He sips his energon, letting it settle in his tank in the wonderful way it always does, and listens to the chatter. When he's done, he pays for it, and leaves no faster and no slower than he always does. At the same speed, he heads to the brothel. He's looking forward to delicious minibot spark against his, and may become a regular customer if the bot is good enough at it.

Or, if there are multiple minibots there, as the gossip seems to suggest, perhaps he can purchase the time of all of them at once and indulge in having their tiny, squirmy frames all over him while he links cables and drives them to overload after overload, directly through their coding.

Assuming that he will be allowed a cable link, of course. Many brothels deny it to all guests-save those who pay well enough for it-and the rest tend to have a '+ Shockwave' rule that denies Shockwave cable links, regardless of how well he pays.

They seem to believe he will hack their prostibots into loving him and running off to live the rest of their lives in his berth.

Shockwave respects prostibots far too much to hack them that way. They offer him pleasure, and it would be cruel to reward them with a vicious hack. Pleasurable hacks are a different matter, of course. He has yet to come across a bot who objected to having him slide through their processors and trigger every circuit and sensor cluster that is capable of transmitting pleasure signals. No. They always beg for him to return.

Only one of those bots is an actual minibot, of course. They so very rarely end up in brothels. They always end up in private auctions and then decorate the arms of bots who can afford to visit such auctions.

Megatron had refused to allow Shockwave access, claiming that the bot would bring home dozens of minibots and clutter up whatever base he was in.

He makes his way to the brothel, and it isn't the worst one he's ever been to, but he certainly wouldn't say it was a good one. It barely made it out of the top ten worst brothels he's been to. And that's only because he can see a picture of the prostibots decorating the walls, and the minibot really is there. Just having a minibot means it is a brothel worth going to.

He is, however, incredibly disappointed to see the other bots that are touted as mini. Yes, they look to be smaller than normal for their model type, but none are near as tiny or pretty as an actual minibot. He's not really impressed with the cyclebot. It is very clearly a normal cyclebot that is just barely smaller than other ones. Very likely was modified to lose some of the metal to make it smaller and slightly more attractive to bots that want that sort of thing with a cyclebot.

He's not interested in modded tininess.

Especially when he can see the adorable minibots picture right next to the cyclebots.

The bot has no name beneath his image, only a number, which Shockwave finds rather curious. Most establishments with a minibot would be shouting the bots information on all the airwaves, trying to lure customers to sample him.

They must already have a large enough customer base, or perhaps the mech has chosen to only take a smaller number of clients. A minibot prostibot would be given most of whatever he desired to have, even if it meant a loss for the brothel management. If not, that prostibot would end up choosing to auction themselves off as a consort instead.

This minibot . . . his image was gorgeous, even if the picture had been taken by a bot who clearly did not know how to make love to a minibot frame with his camera. It was good enough to showcase the bot, who was sitting on a berth, staring at the camera with a blank expression on his face that made Shockwave long to have him screaming in pleasure, offering happy little smiles afterwards while they shared a cube of energon.

The bot is primarily a light grey, with darker grey in the typical minibot accent places. He's a slimmer model than most mech minibots, with amazing slinky hips that hint at possible cyclebot heritage somewhere in his past. The thinnest parts of him, those delicate, slim limb parts that Shockwave loves to fondle, are a smooth, perfect shade of black. The same sort of black that most protoforms tend to take. He has a blue visor covering his optics-although it's hard to tell with most smaller frame types if visors are additions, or if they serve as actual optics.

Disappointment filters through Shockwave's spark when he notices that the minibot is one of the models without horns, his helm ridged with three crests. The center one has a small triangle that just begs to be painted in darker grey to draw attention to his optics. At least the bot has adorable little audio nubs on either side of his helm, which will serve to satisfy Shockwave's tendency to nibble and pinch.

It really is too bad that he has a personal rule about not showing off his mouth in public. He will have to wait until the fifth or sixth time to kiss and nibble. By then he'll have the room seeded with enough things to block any recording devices other than his own.

Looking down at the bot at the front desk, he finally says, "Number eleven." He wonders why the minibot got such an odd number, but he can ask some other time.

The deskbot gives him a blank look, then glances at the console, "For how long?"

He wants to say the entire night, but he does actually have to leave in about six megacycles. Be ready by that point, as well. "Four megacycles." He really should say three, but he's willing to rush a bit just for an extra megacycle with such an adorable bot.

The bot is clearly playing a game in his processor, and it is highly irritating that he's being ignored in favor of it. About a klik later, he's looked at, "Payment in advance, no refunds, and you have a megacycle wai-" The bot frowns, "Looks like you can just go right in after you pay. Lucky you."

Shockwave swipes a credit pad over the scanner, allowing it to deduct the correct amount of credits for the time. The price is absurdly high, but Shockwave had expected that. Minibots are an expensive model type to find attractive. He tucks the pad away and slips up the stairs as directed by the bot at the desk, pacing down the halls until he finds the door marked with the number eleven. The numbers are painted on, but the paint is peeling, and Shockwave frowns to himself, pressing his servo to the bell for the door, requesting entrance.

The door slides open, and Shockwave's spark freezes, completely stopping its pulsing for several long moments.

The minibot looking up at him is . . there are no words that Shockwave can use to accurately describe how battered the poor thing looks. His visor has a web of cracks on one side, and his frame is dented and one of his shoulder guards is caved in, the perfect outline of a fist at the center of it, and from the way the minibot is moving the joint stiff and slow, the metal is pinching his gears and keeping him from having his full range of movement. He can tell just from the way the metal is bent in that there is no tire beneath that shoulder guard, and when the bot shifts a bit on his damaged peds, Shockwave can see that the tires on the backs of his peds are gone as well, leaving bare and bent axles behind.

And the bots sparkplates. . . Primus.

Shockwave is going to find the bots responsible for this and offline them. Slowly and painfully.

He slowly moves over to the berth, and gently pulls the poor thing into his lap, petting the little bot gently. The bot starts to try to force his plates open more than the already badly damaged holes already are, but he shakes his head, "No, little bot. I'm not going to 'face you when you're so hurt."

The little bot looks confused, clearly unsure how Shockwave - being well known for cruelty and hacking - isn't forcing him open, and is most likely thinking that he wants to rip them off.

While he does want them off, it is only so he can replace them with functional ones.

Petting the bots damaged and broken crests, he hisses in sympathy as he sees one of the adorable little audio nubbins is crushed flat. The bot shudders, but does not flinch away as he pets him. "Let's get you fixed, little bot."

He's glad for the fact that vorns and vorns ago he had taken to having a minibot servicing kit. Granted, when he originally put it in, it was all sparktoys and other delicious things to use on a minibot, but it has expanded since then. He takes out specialized tools designed to fix damage to a minibot frame, and slowly works on repairing armor.

"Do many bots damage you, little mech?" His claws are gentle as he works on the crushed shoulder guard. "Or was it just the bot before me?"

When the bot speaks, Shockwave is startled by the cultured accent the mech has, "I am still functioning. If you wish to use my spark, you have paid for the right to do so." The bot ducks his head, the motion graceful, or as graceful as locked and damaged joints will allow, "Should I offline too early to satisfy you, you will be refunded your credits." His expression stays blank when he adds, "I will not put up any firewalls when you hack me. You have paid for that privilege as well."

Shockwave's claws clench reflexively, and he holds back an angry hiss, wanting nothing more than to go downstairs and offline the mech for allowing him hacking privileges on a minibot. His credit pad had clearly identified him as Shockwave, if the mech was too stupid to realize it himself. As much as it irritated him to have limited cable access to bots, he understood it was only the proprietors attempting to keep their property safe. "I will not be hacking you this sol."

The bots visor dims so low it is almost completely dark, and his voice is much quieter when he speaks again. "Oh. I see. You wish to attempt to spark with me. You have paid for that right as well. I will not be allowed with violent clients for the next sol, until I can be scanned to see if your sparking attempt took."

Shockwave wants to go down and smash the bots face in on the desk. The only reason he doesn't is because the minibot is so badly damaged. He taps his forehead against the mechs, optic offline. "No, little bot. You can put it up. I would not dream of forcing you into having a sparkling if you do not wish one with me." He runs his claw long the bots frame, hating how fragile the mechs armor seems. Normally he loves how tiny and easily broken a minibot seems, just so he can show how careful he is with them. But this... this is like they are starving the poor thing, just so clients have a better chance at destroying him.

The bots visor flickers in what might have been called hope if it wasn't so muted and hurt. "I see. You have paid for four megacycles. You will be allowed to do anything you wish to me, as long as it doesn't end in permanent offlining."

He is going to take the bot with him. That's what he's going to do. The bot is very clearly classically taught just by the way he can talk, and no minibot deserves this sort of treatment.

He just is going to take the bot with him.

Megatron will understand..

Shockwave gently spreads the minibot out on the berth, fixing what he can with the maintenance tools he's accumulated. "What is your designation, little minibot?" he asks kindly, working on reshaping the collapsed shoulder guard. It feels absolutely grotesque without the tire beneath it, but he keeps his expression neutral-an easy thing to do when all he has to maintain is the tilt of his head and the shape of his optic.

The bots voice is much calmer, even if his tone is a bit puzzled by Shockwave's interest and kind care. "I am whorebot number eleven." The bot makes a soft noise when Shockwave finishes working the dent out. The way he says it, the words and the name, they are the way a sparkless pleasure drone would respond to questions, fresh from the assembly line.

Shockwave hums, keeping his rage burning deep inside, a hot coal ready to flash into a fire the moment he allowed it enough fuel. Energon would spill before he left this planet. "I do not like that designation. May I use another for you?"

It's his way of asking for the bots real name, but the minibot only nods slowly, "Yes. You may call me whatever you like. I will respond to it." He vents slowly, and Shockwave wants to cry at the way the bot is cycling air twice as fast as normal because half of his vents are crushed. he doesn't have the tools to fix those, and the ones for himself would rip the bot apart.

He uses the very tips of his claws to try to open them, but has to stop when that looks like it will only damage further. "I would prefer you to tell me the name you want me to refer to you as."

The bot stares up at the ceiling with his cracked visor, "I do not have a preferred designation, but many call me minibot. I will answer to anything you wish."

He is not the least bit happy. He is tempted to just stop working and leave with the bot now. It would actually be cheaper if he did, actually. Sighing, he stands up, and draws the little bot to his wobbly peds. "I would like you to gather all of your personal effects, and place them in your su-" He stops, frowning, then unwillingly draws his claws through the little bots subspace, pulling out all sorts of damaging objects that must have been shoved in there just to hurt. Dropping the various machines that vibrate at exactly the wrong frequency for being held in a subspace on the floor, he crushes them under his clawed peds. "Gather your things. I am buying you."

The bot lowers his gaze. "You may change your mind when you see my price. I am here because of a debt, and to buy me, you must not only pay my price, but the price of that debt as well. I am not worth that many credits."

As long as the mech costs less than a fragging planet, he can afford it purely on Longarms salary. Purely on the portion of Longarms salary that he secrets away into other accounts, really. Longarm makes ridiculous sums for his patches. "I will be the one who decides what you are worth, little bot. Pack your things."

The bot stares up at him for a full klik, before turning slowly, on his still-damaged peds, to pick up a single datapad from inside a closet. It gets tucked away in his subspace, and the bot returns to him. "I am ready."

Shockwave slides his gaze to the other objects in the room-a rough, damaged painting on the wall, several broken pieces of statues that appear to have been scavenged out of a garbage heap, and a few small pots of polish and paint. "Nothing else here is yours, or do you simply not wish to take any of it with you?"

The bot sighs as he's picked up, cradled in Shockwave's arms, "It belongs to the brothel."

He gently rubs the only slightly damaged audio nubbin. "Very well, lovely bot, but if you wish to take anything with you, I am willing to pay for that as well. Is there anything you want me to gather for you?" At the bots shake of the head, he steps out of the room, and heads down to the lobby.

"Hey!" It is always so wonderful to know that a bot can actually do their jobs, is all he can think as he gets in the deskbots line of sight, and the mech starts yelling. "You can't take him off the premises! You paid for four megacycles on site."

He kind of wonders how much he would have had to pay for off site.

Setting his minibot down gently so he's sitting on the desk, he rubs the little bots least damaged parts, "I will be buying him. Give me the scanner so that I can purchase him."

The mech stares at the minibot, and then up at Shockwave with a filthy grin, "Little bot got you that worked up, huh? Guess you must have really enjoyed that hack." He offers the scanner, "You'll change your mind when you see his price. Bots gonna be working here until he offlines to pay off that debt."

Shockwave swipes his credit pad and then stares at the sum on it, and hovers his claw over the accept button. He narrows his optic, and then holds the pad out so the little bot can see it. "Is this the correct price, little bot? I do not wish to be overcharged. Not when I can use the extra credits to take care of you."

Small servos come up to hold the pad, and the minibots visor glows for a moment. "Yes. This is . . I suppose I worked off more than I thought, when I . . ," he trails off, and his visor goes dark again. "That is the correct amount. Do you wish for me to return to my room now?"

His claw taps the accept button, and the credit transfer requires code verification for a sum that large. Shockwave links a cable from one claw tip into his pad and lets it scan his code. The transfer goes through, and the scanner pings cheerfully.

The desk bot stares with wide optics at the datapad and then up at Shockwave. "Uh . . I . . I guess he's yours now."

Shockwave smiles to himself, aware that neither bot can tell, with his optic still carefully neutral. "Does he come with ownership documentation?"

"Oh, uh," the bot stumbles back, and starts to rifle through a file cabinet, before withdrawing a datapad. "Here. His documentation and," he swipes it across the scanner, "there. He's registered to you now."

Shockwave purrs, and picks up his minibot and the datapad, carefully moving them both across the room. He places the pad in the minibots servos, "Hold this for me, little bot. You may want to offline your optics for this part." He turns back to the desk bot and stalks towards him, his optic burning with rage.

The bot backs up, looking nervous, "Uh, you... you, uh, you got your minibot. You can go n-"

He grabs the bot by the throat, yanking him from his peds, "You sicken me. You dare to have a minibot, and treat him so very shamefully. It does not matter how high his debts were. No one should do such a thing to a bot like this." He slams the mech down to the ground, ripping at the bots armor with his free servo, making sure there is energon splattering around the room, but missing his little minibot. he tears off the bots sparkplates, and pauses for a moment, thinking about what he wants to do.

Deciding against crushing the bots spark under his ped, he tears out the entire chamber, wanting it to stay alive, and walks over to the tiny mech on the other side of the room. The bots visor flickers in distress looking from him to the spark before dimming to almost darkness. "Yes, sir?"

He taps the bot softly on the nose with the very tip of his claw, leaving a tiny speck of energon behind. "Open your mouth, little bot. It is said that you become healthy if you eat the spark of a bot that has mistreated you, and you need all the health you can get."

An open mouth answers him, and Shockwave tips the sparkchamber so the spark is forced out of it, spilling into the minibots mouth with a crackle of charge. It's only then that he notices the way the minibot is shaking, and the distressed look in his optics. Shockwave frowns.

"If you truly do not wish to consume it, you do not have to. It will be disappointing, but I have suffered many disappointments, and there are other ways to-"

He's cut off by the sudden loud pop-crackle of a spark breaking between denta, and the minibot shakes harder and swallows, his vents working even harder now, engine whining with effort, allowing Shockwave to hear how badly aligned most of it is. There's even a rattling sound that means something has disconnected at some point and is just . . . loose inside of him now.

"There, there," he soothes, pulling the minibot into his arms, tucking the datapad into his subspace for safekeeping. "Do you feel better now?" The bot looks like he's going to purge his tank-a common reaction from soldiers who have just had their first spark-but he's so very proud when his minibot slowly settles down and doesn't purge all over.

He nuzzles the bot lovingly, picking him up gently, and walks out the door. He feels much better now. Of course, he'd feel even better if that had been the owner of the brothel, but he doesn't care enough to stick around to make sure of their offlining. His little bot curls against him, shaking unhappily, but voice as bland as ever, "What do you plan on doing with me?"

He sighs softly, "Well, I'm going to fix you the moment I get home, and hope that Lord Megatron will allow me to keep you. If he doesn't let me keep you, I will fix you and we will see how it goes from there." He flicks an antler against the energon dot on his minibots nose, sucking it up, "You do not have to worry about offlining, though. Lord Megatron will not demand you are offlined if I am not allowed to keep you."

Lord Megatron was kind, and compassionate. He would understand why Shockwave had taken his minibot, and would allow him to keep him. It was unlikely that he would be allowed to take any more, regardless of their circumstances, but this first would be his. The bot makes a soft sound, and relaxes in his arms.

"Halt!" a voice cries out from behind him, and Shockwave turns to study the neutral-sized securitybots that are standing close together, as though proximity will protect them from an attack. "Decepticon Shockwave, please explain why you are carrying a battered prostibot while covered in energon and oil."

He pulls out the ownership datapad, laughing silently to himself when the bots all tense and charge their weapons, thinking he must be reaching for a gun. As if he'd need a gun to take care of them. "I am taking my minibot back to my ship." He offers the datapad to the lead bot.

The bot looks it over, glancing up at him and his minibot before looking back at the datapad. This goes on for about four iterations before the mech reluctantly hands the pad back. "It looks like everything is in order." One of the securitybots jams an elbow in the mechs side, and "Sir," is reluctantly added to the end. "We're sorry for ... detaining you."

He puts the pad away, "It isn't a problem. You were just doing your job." He rubs his claws gently on his little bots frame, hating how ill he looks, "I look forward to visiting Micro, I mean, Zone again." One of the bots in the back of the group actually smiles at the mention of the planets previous name before Autobots took over. "Is there anything else you needed?"

The leader looks from him to the minibot, clearly disbelieving this, but unable to protest. "No. Nothing. Move along."

Shockwave smiles brilliantly at the mechs, but it's lost on them, as all they see is the menacing-looking brightening of his optic. "You may wish to pay a visit to my little bots ex-brothel. I believe I left a mess that may necessitate some paperwork and a bit of a clean-up." He rubs the minibots hip, "I do not take kindly to discovering an abused minibot."

The guards look between him and the minibot again, and the way the little bot is curled up against his chest, tucked in the nook of his arm like the precious cargo that he is. The leader, who is stupidly brave, or just plain stupid, nods slowly, "Yes. None of us here on . . . . Zone enjoy seeing abused bots. Ever."

The message being that if he were to visit them later, and his bot were still abused, they would attempt some form of punitive measures against him.

Which was so laughable that it was all Shockwave could do not to drops to his knees and point at them, frame shaking with suppressed guffaws. There was nothing little 'technically'-Autobots could do to stop him from doing whatever he pleased, even if that pleasure was in abusing a defenseless minibot. Which it never would be, of course. Instead, Shockwave dims his optic, aware that it looks even more threatening that way, "Of course. I wouldn't dream of adding to the miseries of a planet so cruelly under the thumb of the Autobots."

One of the bots, most likely one that was an Autobot before the take-over, looks horribly upset, but says nothing. The leader gives him a very cautious smile, and nods, "Of course, General Shockwave." The bots demeanor returns to the slightly more strict, "Would you like an escort out?" Can we keep an optic on you and make sure you leave?

"That will not be necessary, but if that's what you wish, I will not protest."

The leader looks around his bots, clearly trying to weigh the possible damage Shockwave will cause against what he has caused on what bot to send with. The mech points to a much larger than average sized truckbot, and Shockwave wouldn't be the least bit surprised if the bot was chosen just to not be appealing to him - which isn't really needed, all Autobot models are tiny to him and he already has a adorably tiny minibot in his arms. "Steelpulse will be taking you to your ship. Please, have a good sol."

He just nods congenially, knowing that if he argued just because he wants to spend private time fixing his bot, it will only reflect badly on him. "Very well. You have a good sol as well."

He is not fond of the fact that since the bot is following him, he has to slow his pace to match the Autobots tiny stride. The mech is even one of the slower models, and he knows the bot would take badly to him asking for the mech to switch to vehicle mode. It is more than a little frustrating he can't just take his little bot to his ship and head back out to buy a repair kit now.

Well, that doesn't mean he can't have a bot come with him as he buys one. And his minibot can choose out all the correct tools, as well.

"I am buying a repair kit, do you know what would be the best shop for it?"

"General repair tools, or ones for specific models?" the bot eyes the minibot, calculating the amount of damage to his frame. "The best general shop is a breems walk that way," Steelpulse points, "and the best minibot repair shop is a megacycle in the opposite direction."

Well, Shockwave was not one to let a little distance prevent his precious from having the best possible care. "If the minibot shop has spare parts as well, then I would appreciate having you take me there." And if he was lucky, it would be staffed by minibots as well, and he could ogle them and their pretty little frames while they found proper parts for his damaged pet. He had the time. Finding the poor bot so terribly damaged had put him ahead of schedule, after all.

The larger model looks nervous, and he bites his lip. "Uh. You're not gonna try and do anything stupid there, right? I mean," he looks away, "you're General Shockwave. I'm not sure if they'll really let you inside the minibot shop."

Oh. They would let him in, even if he had to cram his frame in through the tiny door. He was certainly capable of shrinking just enough of his frame to fit inside. And if they tried to make him leave, well, he had a damaged minibot that needed repair parts, and the credits to pay for them. And a little guardbot to 'protect' the minibot staff.

He transforms into his tankmode, his minibot cuddled snugly next to his gun turret, and heads in the direction the guardbot pointed. He uses his muzzle to nuzzle against his little bot lovingly, asking softly, "Do you know about this store?"

The mech pauses before nodding very slowly, "The brothel supposedly bought my replacement parts there. I would not know about it otherwise."

His engine growls lowly, "What kind of replacement parts?" He gets the impression he won't like it.

"Tires. For when a bot wanted them there to ... play with them." The bot's tiny horrified shiver has him prodding gently for more answers.

"How exactly do they play with them, little bot?"

The mech glances at him, then over to the guardbot that is just barely keeping up. "They... they liked to spin and bite them. Or, most of the time, pop them."

Popping tires for spark satisfaction was the act of a very cruel sadist. Not even the most hardcore masochistic bot could enjoy having his tires popped, and no bot volunteered to allow it to be done to them. Shockwave rubs his turret against his minibot, "You will never have to suffer such an act ever again, my sweet minibot. I will not allow it." While Shockwave did occasionally enjoy biting the soft, supple rubber of a tire, or pinching the squishy things, he would never leave permanent damage on them. And if a tire happened to pop by accident, he would be applying a numbing salve to the axle and dragging the minibot to the medic immediately.

The minibot says nothing for several blocks of travel, and then speaks softly, "If you wish to do so, it is your right. You own me now."

Well. His minibot would learn soon enough just how much Shockwave treasured him.

fanfic with tash, writing things, challenge, tfa

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