Drabble/Ficlet: Back Home - Pansy

Jan 03, 2010 17:09

Title: Back Home
Beta: scarletladyy
Character/Pairing: Pansy; Pansy/Hermione (hinted), Harry/Draco (mention)
Rating: PG
Warnings: high amount of alcohol consumed, and a little wee of angst
Word Count: 738
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by J.K. Rowling, various publishers, including but not limited to Bloomsbury ( Read more... )

year: 2010, community - fest: mini_fest, fic: hp - character: pansy, community - table: 25moments, fic - length: drabble/ficlet, fic - beta: scarletladyy, fic - type: gen, fic - rating: pg, fic - type: femslash

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Comments 5

brissygirl January 3 2010, 20:50:44 UTC
I liked this! I loved Pansy reminising about the past, when she was a little girl playing in the snow with Draco and the other kids. I think her concerns towards Hermione are valid, it would be hard to put old predjudices aside for the sake of a fledgling relationship.

I'm sure Draco will win her over to his POV in the end. Now I want to read the rest of it, what will happen on christmas day? Will Pansy get along with Hermione?


girlofavalon January 3 2010, 23:02:19 UTC
I am glad you liked it! OOh, darling, don't tempt me :P


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girlofavalon January 4 2010, 11:44:47 UTC
Thanks! :)

Yeah, maybe I will write a sequel ;)


brknhalo241 January 6 2010, 17:02:03 UTC
I agree that this needs a sequel!! Pansy deserves a bit of happiness too now that Draco has Harry. Very sweet drabble....


girlofavalon January 6 2010, 17:52:46 UTC
Thanks! :) Yeah, I may write a sequel, like I told you.


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