Drabble/Ficlet: A Matter of Misunderstanding - Albus/Scorpius

Mar 31, 2010 23:33

Title: A Matter of Misunderstanding
Beta: brknhalo241
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Albus/Scorpius
Rating: G
Warnings: fluff
Word Count: 200
Summary: A misunderstanding can be a really serious matter.
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by J.K. Rowling, various publishers, including but not limited to Bloomsbury ( Read more... )

year: 2010, fic - beta: brknhalo241, fic - length: drabble/ficlet, fic: hp - group: next gen, fic: hp - character: scorpius, fic - rating: g, fic - type: slash, community: ass_ldws, fic: hp - pairing: albus/scorpius, fic: hp - character: albus severus

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Comments 8

bendleshnitz1 April 1 2010, 03:28:34 UTC
Ooooh, so fluffy you put me, Ms. Fluffy, to shame!

Excellent drabble! I assume this one passed with excellent review, right?


girlofavalon April 1 2010, 14:01:37 UTC
LOL at your icon!

Aww, thank you! I am glad you liked this :)
It scored with two favourites and two least favourites :D


bendleshnitz1 April 2 2010, 01:25:39 UTC

Oh, so it's either you love it or you hate it apparently ;)
I don't know hwo the rest did but yours was just lovely and it suited with the prompt so damn well!


girlofavalon April 3 2010, 00:42:08 UTC
Hehe :) Thanks!


clionona April 1 2010, 13:40:46 UTC
*happily rolls around in the fluff*
Really loved the urgent way Albus goes about calming Scorpius. Just beautiful! ♥!


girlofavalon April 1 2010, 14:02:01 UTC
Thank you so much! ♥


dirty_darella April 9 2010, 09:36:36 UTC
Aww, that was so sweet. :D


girlofavalon April 10 2010, 00:52:48 UTC
Thank you!!! :)


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