Wow, I never update anymore

Sep 15, 2006 19:29

Probably because I don't really have time between classes to mess around on the internet and most of my classrooms get crappy reception. Ah, well, nothing happens anyway. Sorta. At the GRST meet & greet Sade, Carolyn and I hung out, ate free food, drank free alcohol then talked to our Latin prof who also seems to have partaken in the free alcohol. ( Read more... )

shopping, work, school, scottus magnus

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Comments 1

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girlnamedxena September 16 2006, 13:27:32 UTC
That'd actually be spiffy. I mean, we can do it without a car, but if it continues to be totally crappy and gross out it'd be nice to not have to wait for buses in the rain.


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