The Trouble with Bright Girls

Sep 15, 2013 23:27

So, this article was floating around facebook. In short: women are less successful in men in the workplace because of social conditioning which results in them not trying hard enough ( Read more... )

feminism, essay

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Comments 1

matrixmann November 14 2013, 15:44:17 UTC
Females only work for their surrounding society and not for themselves, that's their problem.
If anybody tells them "do this to be regonized as female", they just go and do it.
If anyone tells them "you need good grades in school and study", they also go and do it.
There's no judgment or verification if they think so themselves personally.
And if inacapable to follow, they start to whip themselves, like for being "no good girl".
Males also follow foolish tales what they need to do to be recognized as one of their kind, but they also do it to prove to themselves they're no wimp.

Males care less if someone judges them to be an egoistic asshole.


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