
Oct 19, 2008 21:54


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Comments 4

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girlnamedxena October 20 2008, 14:52:22 UTC
It's waaaaay too early in the season to be killing off the main hottie! Besides, I've heard that he sticks around during all eight books.


lacyjae October 21 2008, 00:11:32 UTC
It'd be nice if those other vamps would gtfo though. :>

And Sam is totally a werewolf or something.


girlnamedxena October 21 2008, 02:45:41 UTC
Agreed about the other vamps. The thing that bugs me about the whole Sam is the dog that follows Sookie around thing is that at one point Sam was playing with the dog. I rather enjoyed the naked running, though. Naked men running is always good for a laugh.


lacyjae October 21 2008, 02:49:49 UTC
Yeah, I don't think Sam is the dog, but there's definitely something going on there.


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