Title: Out Of The Blue Author: girldevil Pairing: yoosu, ninja yunjae Genre: comedy Length: oneshot Rating: pg Summary: There were a few things that unexpectedly happened in a day.
WOW.That was unexpected.I expected Yoochun to come near Su and use cheesy pick up lines, show how greasy he is.This is way too cuute and hilarious, in a good way ofcourse. LOLed at Jae. stupid storm, nabasa ako kanina but thanks to this, ako'y nasiyahan.I can't even wipe the grin off my face:D
BAAAABBBEEEEE!!! Hahahaha! Glad you like it! Oh no, I hope you didn't look so out of place by laughing so much xD But nevertheless, I'm glad you had a good laugh at Jaejae
Thank you so much for reading and commenting as always! I really really <3 you! ^.^
thank you for writing thisssssss :DDDD i'm really stress because of my crazy internet connection =( but but this fic made me TROLOLOLOLOLOLLLL i'll still laugh when i remember what jaejoong did trolololololll ;pppp
nahh~ luckily i'm in my room ;p but hope my mom didnt here me or else she'll be angry trolololooololollll
awwww thank you for rwiting and sharing, as always!!! ;DDDDDDD
n yeshhh!! i really really reallllllyyy <3 you too!!!! <33333333 \O/
Comments 45
ninja wants to meet your friend. hehehe
Lol you wanna meet my friend?
Jae is naughty don't ya think so? =P
Thank you for reading as usual!
PS. You really have awesome ninja powers. you must teach me how!
stupid storm, nabasa ako kanina but thanks to this, ako'y nasiyahan.I can't even wipe the grin off my face:D
Yay glad you like the story! I wanted to make a different Yoochun who's not too greasy this time and glad it turned out well ^.^
Thank you so much for reading dear! ^.^
Thank you so much for reading and commenting as always! I really really <3 you! ^.^
thank you for writing thisssssss :DDDD i'm really stress because of my crazy internet connection =( but but this fic made me TROLOLOLOLOLOLLLL i'll still laugh when i remember what jaejoong did trolololololll ;pppp
nahh~ luckily i'm in my room ;p but hope my mom didnt here me or else she'll be angry trolololooololollll
awwww thank you for rwiting and sharing, as always!!! ;DDDDDDD
n yeshhh!! i really really reallllllyyy <3 you too!!!! <33333333 \O/
Good thing you're in your room LOL! I don't think I could control myself from laughing if I was out!
You're welcome bb! Mwwaaaahh! <3
Thank you for reading!
I had a good laugh. :D
Thank you for reading! ^.^
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