OOC Post. Nexus100 #27

Jun 09, 2007 18:11

Fandom: Stargate SG1 and Atlantis
Characters: Des (OC)
Prompt:#27, Parents
Word Count:147
Rating: G
Summary:Thinking too much gives you sleepless nights
Author's Notes: This is my first finished prompt for Nexus100. Let's see if I can finish the whole table in a month.

Des doesn’t know how she’s going to do this. It was different when she was considering moving out for college (and for privacy and personal space) but this isn’t college. It keeps her up at night sometimes, not being able to tell her parents the true reason why she’s moving away. That it has nothing to do with an inheritance from a relative no one really knew about, that it’s about doing things she never thought she’d be capable of. She knows why she can’t tell them, that it would be too dangerous but it doesn’t make her feel better.

Numbing her mind with hours on the internet or playing one of her numerous computer games usually does the trick and she collapses into bed hours later but sometimes it’s not enough and she greets the morning daylight with tired eyes and thoughts of wars and death.

ooc, nexus100, parents, des, fic

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