Cleaning up after my recent adventures as a chibi.

Jun 04, 2006 21:29

...Yes, still. Magnus doesn't do all my paperwork. Just the important bits.

Among other things, Snowcat, d'you have a moment? I need to make sure of something with you...

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giri_guy June 6 2006, 02:04:15 UTC
*wonders for the fiftieth time how he gets himself into these things*

*polite knock* Demolisher? It's Roddy. Can I come in?


toughguytruck June 6 2006, 02:17:43 UTC
*door slides open halfway and Demolisher looks out* Whaddya want?


giri_guy June 6 2006, 02:32:14 UTC
*straightens a little and offers a smile* Just to talk.


toughguytruck June 6 2006, 02:34:21 UTC
Talk about what? *looks suspiciously at him* Whatever it was, it was probably Snowcat's fault.


giri_guy June 6 2006, 02:43:48 UTC
*snrk* I don't blame everything on Snowcat. He still needs to recharge every so often, last time I checked.


toughguytruck June 6 2006, 02:49:09 UTC
That doesn't stop him much. *jerks his head to indicate Rodimus can come in. The room is a complete mess, even more than usual. There's a large box of datapads that has been hurriedly shoveled into a corner*


giri_guy June 6 2006, 03:00:25 UTC
*enters, carefully skirting the messes, and notes the datapads* Yeah, I suppose. He's got Unicron's own luck.

I haven't seen you around lately... you been doing research?


toughguytruck June 6 2006, 03:14:37 UTC
*roughly* No. *kicks a datapad under the bed. It doesn't quite make it, and one can see a picture of a tan and red missile tank on it* Just looking over old stuff. *wondering if he really did what he remembers doing*


giri_guy June 6 2006, 13:33:25 UTC
Huh. *avoids looking directly at the picture* Yeah. I do the same thing sometimes.


toughguytruck June 6 2006, 17:32:05 UTC
I guess. *idly wanders over and kicks the datapad all the way under the bed* So if it's not Snowcat and you're not kicking us out, what are you doing in here?


giri_guy June 7 2006, 00:59:24 UTC
Honestly? *shrugs* I haven't seen you around a while, is all. Not exactly worried, but... wondering.


toughguytruck June 7 2006, 01:07:00 UTC
Just been by myself. Nothing's wrong with that. *bit of a glare* Snowcat been saying things about me?


giri_guy June 7 2006, 01:21:36 UTC
*hesitates for about as long as it takes for him to remember how terrible he is at lying*

He mentioned it, yeah.


toughguytruck June 7 2006, 01:23:13 UTC
Slagger. *Demolisher grunts* What did he say?


giri_guy June 7 2006, 01:33:03 UTC
*gently* That you were starting to suspect you might have been a victim of reprogramming at some point.


toughguytruck June 7 2006, 01:37:32 UTC
*snarls* Should weld his mouth shut for that. *turns away from Rodimus* I don't think I want to talk about it with you. You're an Autobot.


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