*clears throat*
That was my prepatory squee for the
fangirl-tour that has begun posting today! :)
*must practice the squee*
(You know, I can actually hear you lot turning to each other and saying that squeeing is the one thing that I don't need to practice. *snort*)
the-larch will be starting us off today, but here are a couple of teasers from me:
One the Clear Understanding That This Kind of Thing Can Happen by
deeble (B) - Sweet and beautiful beginnings that stem from a simple request to dance. One of my all-time favourite stories. (Harry Potter, SS/HG, Complete)
Transient Mentor by
keladry-lupin (K) A delightful little story set in the Star Wars universe. I loved the idea behind this story. I was a long time Star Wars fan and this seemed to hit all of my buttons on what a perfect scene that Lucas & Co never showed us would be. Definitely made me smile. (Star Wars, gen, complete)