Title: Valentine's Day and Canadian Pride
Paring: Henry / Ryeowook
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Valentine's Day fluff inspired by the Olympics. Oh and
these mittens. 800+words.
Summary: Henry and Ryeowook spend Valentine's Day together and Ryeowook learns the true extent of Henry's Canadian pride.
Kyuhyun had taken to running away in mock fear from what he deemed “Crazy Canadian Henry” but Henry was so excited he didn’t even care. )
Comments 45
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(See what I did there? Oh Henry? /lame.)
GO CANADA! I'm so excited too. It's so awesome that the Olympics are here :D Hopefully we'll win lots.
I'm rooting for Canada too. I've got some weird cultural identity crisis going on. I'm rooting for Korea (for obvious reasons), Canada for Henry and b/c thats where the Olympics are, Germany b/c thats where I'm living...but only for a few US players even though I'm American, heh.
Thanks for reading and for commenting!! ^__^
<3 <3 <3
Thanks for reading and commenting!! :D
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Haha yes! Hae is awesome like that.
Glad you enjoyed it :D Thanks for commenting as always <3
I so see our Henry doing that!
He might restore my Canadian Pride yet ^^
I can too. He's all normal and subdued until its Olympics time and then he is super Canadian ^^ I bet he'd be fun to watch the Olympics with.
Thanks for reading and commenting as always <3
He's bringing my Canadian pride out ^^
*Giggles* I can see his nipple in that icon!
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