Title: Messy Paring: Henry / Ryeowook Rating: NC17 Disclaimer: Tease-y birthday smut Summary: Ryeowook doesn't think Henry should eat cake in the bed. Henry thinks Ryeowook needs to learn to be a little bit messy.
omg omg my brain...cant handle all this...and you BEING A TEASE NOOOOOOOO X__X
First off I love how Ryeowook is telling Henry to not eat on the bed, hahah how I imagined Ryeowook to be whenever Henry eats like that XD Always making sure his room is clean and spotless :D
“No I’m not! It’s on a plate.” Henry insisted, continuing to happily eat his cake.
lol oh gosh this is the EXACT same excuse I give to my mom whenever she complains I eat on my bed too lmao. hahahah
“I knew you working out so much was a bad idea…” Henry sighed, dropping his hands to Ryeowook’s legs in defeat.
“That’s what you get for getting skinnier than I am. Look, you already got crumbs in the bed.” Ryeowook frowned, pointing to the few crumbs scattered across the sheets.
you tell him Wook! geez Henry how CAN you be thinner than Wook? ;~;
“You’ll be clean again.” Henry grinned, licking his lips. “Wow, the cake tastes even better off of you.”
ksdlfslsl my brain...cannot handle all this X______________X
The towel did nothing to hide just how aroused he
( ... )
hehehee~ I'll think about writing one. Maybe after I finish all the other smut I'm working on. The only reason I didn't keep going on this one was bc I'd rather finish those ones :P
I knowwww..... I so love top Wook... One of yer other top!wooks I was like *FLAIL* OMIGDOHECANDOITANGODIT'SSOSEXYSQUISHYHENRYBOTTOMAKLDSJFAKLEJC;AKSJEKLJ.... though I didn't comment then. :x
Comments 23
First off I love how Ryeowook is telling Henry to not eat on the bed, hahah how I imagined Ryeowook to be whenever Henry eats like that XD Always making sure his room is clean and spotless :D
“No I’m not! It’s on a plate.” Henry insisted, continuing to happily eat his cake.
lol oh gosh this is the EXACT same excuse I give to my mom whenever she complains I eat on my bed too lmao. hahahah
“I knew you working out so much was a bad idea…” Henry sighed, dropping his hands to Ryeowook’s legs in defeat.
“That’s what you get for getting skinnier than I am. Look, you already got crumbs in the bed.” Ryeowook frowned, pointing to the few crumbs scattered across the sheets.
you tell him Wook! geez Henry how CAN you be thinner than Wook? ;~;
“You’ll be clean again.” Henry grinned, licking his lips. “Wow, the cake tastes even better off of you.”
ksdlfslsl my brain...cannot handle all this X______________X
The towel did nothing to hide just how aroused he ( ... )
Yeah I think Wook would def. be like "OMG NO FOOD IN THE BED!" And Henry is a messy messy boy...
LOL I do that too. "It won't get anywhere its on a plate/napkin/wrapper" hehehee
This is what Henry gets. He gets skinnier than Wook and now Wook can overpower him. :P He should just eat more so he has more mass than Wook does...
Don't worry Wookie....Henry will get you niccce and clean... before dirtying you up a lot more.
Foolish Wookie, thinking he can walk around almost naked in front of Henry and not get taken advantage of xD
Ah see that was the problem. It was too stimulating. Pooooor Wookiiie~
evil!Henry is awesome. Cheeky and awesome ^^ "All clean.....now come and get me" heh
Yaaay! It wasn't totally predictable, this is good! I'm glad you enjoyed it <3
*hides* Ahhh but if you kill me there will be no more new stories!! *angel face ON*
Your Henwook porn. unf.
I'm still fanning myself, so sorry I'm incoherent.
I know, I know, I am eevviillll~ I'll make it up to you with moar smut later, promise promise <3
I'm glad you enjoyed it, even if I am a mean tease-y brat :P
Thanks so much for reading and commenting yet again <3 <3 <3
i need sequel asap <3
Thaaaank you for reading and for commenting! <3
Hopefully you can keep putting up with me writing teasey pieces sometimes, lol
Thanks for reading and commenting!!
lol and when i wanted to write something.. it's always smut! ahaha
and yes.. it's henwook smut XD
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