Well then, here we go! A little more organized and ready to speak...write. When I found out I could still slip into
http://community.livejournal.com/therealljidol/ with a slightly extended deadline, I frantically grabbed up a keyboard, and did quickie intro that barely said "Hello, My name is________. I am doing this." Yeah, so now that I have had a little time. Let's try this again.
I love to write, but don't have the time I'd like to do it in. Let me guess, I'm not the only one with that going on? I only recently, as in a few months ago, learned about LJ through a friend, who I was complaining to about FB. FB is cool and all, but at the time, I had a bit of a "distant lover" goin' on and FB is fun, but if you're lookin' to write little erotic stories for your man...it's little public for that. Anyway, so I'm talkin' to one of my girl co-workers, whom I discovered writes erotic fan-fiction, about how I've been inspired in the erotic genre direction as well, but didn't have anywhere to put it into actual words. She tells me about LJ and here I am. My journal was created initially to communicate with, and write for, a distant lover, so explorations of my journal will find you some very passionate erotica. Nothing extremely kinky...yet, LOL, but definitely passionate and fun.
This same friend, told me about NaNoWriMo as well, and don't you know I just could not resist signing up for that too, so I am bound to be in over my head at some point. Oh, and BTW, I am also moving at the end of Nov or earlier, so while doing idol, and NaNoWriMo (50,000 words in 30 days, for those of you who don't know), I will also be organizing, packing, and purging unwanted possessions that are pointless to move if I don't want them anyway...so if nothing else, November promises to be a highly productive month. Let's see what else? Oh yes, I almost forgot, I have begun working out again as well, so we've the determination to keep that routine going, to work into the mix as well. What was that movie? Eat, Pray, Love? I did not see it, but I will be doing all 3, so anyone willing to send any positive version of the 3 my way, it will be greatly appreciated, welcomed, and reciprocated! I have been able to take a quick look at some great posts and look forward to this getting going - this should definitely be an interesting month!
Oct 31st, what a day! Rise above all the commercialism, the hype, the fanatics, the candy...although I tend to enjoy a decent haunted house, a good party, and a reese cup here and there, but above all that I always notice a freshness. A certain slightly heightened crispness to the air on this day, that is just a little more there than it has been all month. It is as if the day is preparing for the winter to come. The harvests are coming in and the animals are finishing their fattening. Thanksgiving is on its way, and I don't even want to think about how few the days are left for shopping for those Christmas presents! I like taking this day to enjoy the last bits of warmth left in the air and the sun before winter takes over and sends fall screaming like a banshee until it's time for the leaves to grow back and change color again. Hope you're all have a great autumn, for those of you who have one, anyway!