1. Dirty Dancing 2. Erm... 3. Pride and Prej. 4. Um. Quantum Leap? *flails* 5. Oh dear, this is making me realise that people presumably hit imdb up for 'all movies with a shower scene in them'. Ew. No idea. 6. Doctor Who :) 7. Secretary? 8. Doctors on a Mountain. It's like Snakes on a Plane, only with, yknow, Doctors. And Mountains. 9. Shameless? 10. Oh, I have less than no idea.
Comments 26
2. Breakfast at Tiffany's? (its the cat thing)
3. Pride and Prejudice?
4. Bob Roberts?
6. Doctor Who
8. Northern Exposure?
2. Erm...
3. Pride and Prej.
4. Um. Quantum Leap? *flails*
5. Oh dear, this is making me realise that people presumably hit imdb up for 'all movies with a shower scene in them'. Ew. No idea.
6. Doctor Who :)
7. Secretary?
8. Doctors on a Mountain. It's like Snakes on a Plane, only with, yknow, Doctors. And Mountains.
9. Shameless?
10. Oh, I have less than no idea.
Poo. I was rubbish at that. Needs more clues!
5. Gattaca (sp?)
7. Dead Poets Society
9. This one can't be Pride and Prejudice is it?
I do feel like I've had an unfair advantage here.
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