Anamorphic Lego Street Painting

Aug 20, 2021 18:02

Chances are decent I'm your lego person, so here! Yet another frivolous post on the lego side of things. I've mentioned anamorphic / projection art before. Heck, I like it enough that I've included it in beyond wandpoint ( LJ / AO3). Most folks hadn't heard of it, so I thought this might interest a few of you.

Ten years after Leon Kerr made the Read more... )

lego, art, real world

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Comments 6

maraj219 August 20 2021, 16:21:43 UTC
You are the Lego Queen 👑
I love anamorphic street art, so cool to observe it from multiple angles. Or when the artist inserts himself into the art (becoming part of the action of the picture).


morethansirius August 20 2021, 20:19:56 UTC



mywitch August 20 2021, 21:35:58 UTC
That ability to make perspective do one's bidding is amazing to me - that guy is fabulous!


adafrog August 20 2021, 23:40:33 UTC
Those are so crazy.


beffeysue August 21 2021, 02:23:16 UTC
I'm amazed that an artist can process the shapes that have to be drawn so the art can only be viewed from a single point if it is to make sense.


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