Happy Birthday, LostAngelSoul!

May 29, 2021 19:07

Happy birthday, lostangelsoul3! πŸŒˆπŸŽ‚πŸŽπŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸ°πŸŽˆ I hope it's a good one. ❀️ There's a Drarry in the works for you, unfortunately it comes a little latter in the story arc I'm writing (actually, technically earlier, bygones) and I was unable to make the jump between the two stories. But! The plot is laid out and it *will* happen in time. I hope you can forgive the delay? ( Read more... )

legofic, lego, flowers, drabble, mini draco, mini harry, happy birthday

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Comments 3

erexen May 29 2021, 23:53:04 UTC
An added Happy Birthday lostangelsoul, simply riding on the coat tails (or is it broom bristles) of gingerbred's wishes! What a gorgeous gift, a bit of Drarry, with Harry trying to protect his future. Awwww. The Moggie so sweet to his Snake.


gingerbred May 31 2021, 09:52:03 UTC
For you, my dear, there's always room on my broom (oo er? πŸ˜‰), no need to balance precariously on those bristles. 😊

(To use pingback (not a bad idea as iirc the language settings made mine not always work properly), Lostangelsoul3 actually has a 3 at the end. There was already an LAS who'd been and gone over the years.)

Thanks, E. 😘 I think Harry has always had a very strong sense of what he considered right and wrong. And over the years, that even became somewhat more normed (and less entitled), lol. I can absolutely see him trying to make the right thing happen, especially for people he cares about, the cost be damned.


lostangelsoul3 May 31 2021, 13:50:22 UTC

Thank you guys πŸ˜ŠπŸ’™


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