Diagon Alley D2C megaset. Hmm.

Aug 30, 2020 17:00

(D2C = Directo to Customer (as in generally only available at the lego.com shop@home store.))

Sale of the set is slated to start 01 September. In a decidedly odd move, Lego is holding back on the official announcements until tomorrow, 31 August, emphasised by an on site countdown. In addition, they've posted a video in which the Phelps brothers ( ( Read more... )

lego, harry potter, fandom, lego sets, real world

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Comments 7

nocturnus33 August 31 2020, 01:39:25 UTC
I love how passionate you are about this topic. I read all of it. I haven't played with a lego since my kids were little and know I'm asking myself if I should find a Hogwarts version for me to have at my office. You enthusiasm, even if you loath the colour palette, the lack of Rita and the roof, is contagious.


gingerbred August 31 2020, 15:14:33 UTC
lol people aren't supposed to read all of it, just look at the pretty pictures or skim to the bolder bits that might prove interesting... 😆 Glad my geekdom didn't prove too daunting. (I'm finding it helpful right now to occasionally concentrate on something non-essential.)

If I could only have one set from the current line, I'd take the Whomping Willow set (75953) with 2nd year Harry, Hermione, Ron and Professor Snape (plus Filch, Seamus and Hedwig). It's generically formed, very modular, and can be squeezed down to just having Severus' office or classroom if you're pressed for space. If not, the one that I think is most Hogwartsy (shy of the huge mega castle set (71043)) is the Great Hall (75953) with HRH as firsties. (Heads up, both of those should be discontinued this year.) Here are many of the older sets on Brickipedia, if you think you might get something used off ebay. They usefully narrowed the focus and better categorised things, but haven't done as good a job keeping up as Brickset has, which has all the newer sets, but ( ... )


nocturnus33 August 31 2020, 19:46:57 UTC
Oh, I read it and like it a lot but I'll pass. If I add customs and value-added tax I'm in front of astronomical prices for a Chilean budget. I need to wait for my next trip to bring something like this in my luggage.


gingerbred August 31 2020, 20:32:44 UTC
Oh, now this is interesting. As a side effect of globalization, it seems like you can find exactly the same stores and the same brands everywhere you go these days, and places all over the world look more and more alike. As though a shopping centre must have a McDonalds and a Starbucks or it isn’t a shopping centre, whether it’s in London or Berlin or Washington... By extension, I tend to assume many more of our stores are the same than they perhaps are. You don’t have Lego stores, or even Lego in your local stores?


grooot September 1 2020, 02:16:12 UTC
If I had money and space I’d get it


erexen September 1 2020, 06:57:48 UTC
This is so wonderfully informative for the newbies / freshies! You make it easy to become absorbed and excited about Lego again! I took the virtual tour, it was very interesting.

Agree about the architecture, hmmm. Not as thrilled about the Malfoy / Lockheart changes either. I'm hoping they'll do a Hogsmeade set to go along with Hogwarts. Agree, they should have included the Leaky Cauldron, and honestly I'd forgotten about Scribulous, Flourish & Blotts is more my speed. Really excited at the new wand boxes!

My head is whirling, but Have to sleep.


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