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Comments 6

mywitch December 24 2019, 01:39:07 UTC
This is wonderful and quite touching! I shall be sad indeed when there are no more doors to open!! xoxo


gingerbred December 24 2019, 16:12:45 UTC
Pfft. Woman! You are chapters behind in wandpoint. I can literally keep you occupied for hours at this point. 😉

Kidding aside: thanks, MW, you are an absolute goddess! 😘


grooot December 24 2019, 02:47:29 UTC
Hahahaha these are sooooooo good


gingerbred December 24 2019, 16:13:15 UTC
*hugs* thanks, grooootikins! 😘


grooot December 25 2019, 08:26:42 UTC
I did miss this! Coz driving. Sorry!

Now I’m caught up! 😁😁


gingerbred December 25 2019, 11:01:28 UTC
This is 22? Not 23? And you already commented here? So... Please tell me you're not driving, drinking and reading... That might just be too much of a good thing. Although you guys have a lot of empty, vast space out there... So maybe it's a thing. Now that I think about it, it explains things like the Antipodean driving school for dogs. (I think that might have been the kiwis though...)


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