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Comments 7

toblass December 14 2019, 15:36:50 UTC

“The lot of them look like little knuckle-dragging gorillas. “ LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!


gingerbred December 14 2019, 16:10:11 UTC
One mob, divisible by design, with one torso for all!

Hell yeah they're knuckle dragging, that's totally what happens when you use the same torso for all your minifigs. (Don't get me wrong, I adore it to bits that they now have three leg sizes (love love love), but there's no way Severus is letting that pass without some serious side eye.)


kit10notk9 December 14 2019, 16:10:22 UTC
The turkey colored hair might be explained by Mor-Ron's pig-like eating habits and lack of personal hygiene. (That shade of ginger ain't natural for hair color.)
As for the knuckle-dragging, at least (almost) everyone grows out of it. [examples of exemption: Misters Flint, Crabbe, Ron Weasley & Goyle]


gingerbred December 15 2019, 17:22:01 UTC
Natural... Hmm.

I think like most women, there are a few things I like about myself, and plenty of things I'm critical about. One of the things I like is the colour of my hair. (It's absolutely unruly bushiness is an entirely different matter.) So first year at uni, there's the world's ugliest carpet in my dorm, an all purpose indoor-outdoor low-pile monstrosity in reddish browns, with yellow and red highlights, and we were all in agreement it would be difficult for it to be uglier, although it very effectively hid a multitude of sins. It did that so well, in fact, that we were given to lounging about on it (in retrospect it's shocking we didn't catch... everything), and there I was flopped on the floor one evening when someone walks past, stops for a look, and then goes, 'Hey, Ginger, you know it matches your hair?'

Never felt quite the same way about the colour thereafter... 😆

That said, apparently my RL hair is closer in colour to, um, turkey-colour 😐, than to Miss Blake's or Ms. Bred's. Make of that what you will. *sigh*


kit10notk9 December 15 2019, 17:54:20 UTC
Oh, you have what I call hair colored hair, like PBS TV chef Lidia Bastianich.
It is red, but not a shade you can find in a box of crayons.

[Mine had red highlights, but has now turned grey tabby cat stripes like McGonagall's animagus form.]


mywitch December 14 2019, 18:15:01 UTC
Those two are utterly charming together, the sneaky devils :D


gingerbred December 15 2019, 17:12:07 UTC
😘 Thanks! (They seem to have minds of their own... 😉)


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