"Echoes of Always" - Luke/Mara - Chapter 14, April 13

Apr 13, 2012 12:41

This chapter is a tad short because it and chapter 15 were originally one very (very) long chapter.  I’m glad so many of you like Betrys.  :)   I hope you'll enjoy seeing more of her interaction with Luke in this chapter, and Ben's, too...

EoA 14 )

luke skywalker, l/m, nano, star wars, alternate universe, mara jade

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Comments 10

briannakin April 13 2012, 18:32:51 UTC
Awwww! I loved Luke's conversation with Betrys and with Ben. I hope Luke gets what his heart wants.


ginchy April 16 2012, 15:22:50 UTC
That's all I've ever wanted in SW--for Luke to be happy. I hope he will be by the end of the story, too. Thanks, gal!!


phantompopcorn April 13 2012, 23:14:11 UTC
Oh what a great selection of family moments! I can understand Ben's hesitance; if other Mara came back and saw our Ben, he'd have a similar reaction, I'd wager.

A lovely chapter :)


reply from kataja phantompopcorn April 14 2012, 14:51:57 UTC
Awesome! Again! You really manage to flesh out both Ben and Betrys, to two distinctively different characters. Also love how you let Luke approach them both differently - but managing to come closer to both! It's so good to see how a healing can begin from them learning more abotu their father - and I can imagine Luke will learn abotu his own Ben too!

Another amazing thing is how you actuially "heal" canon with this fic; you touch the wound between Luke and Ben - taht I so hated in the start of LOTF but that fortunately was solved - but your touch on it is still soothing! You even touch Mara's lecture in VOTF and make it meaningful by being a REMINDER.

Wonderful details: Luke marrying Maa the same day she said yes, the bowl-cut and Luke's height!

"His brain knew he could only have one, but his heart, his heart wanted both."
love, love, love this fic!!!!

(sorry for messy feedback but I'm not at home this weekend)


Re: reply from kataja ginchy April 16 2012, 15:27:27 UTC
Hey there, gal! No problem that the reply came in screened. I was wondering what was up. I hope you're out travelling and having fun!

I'm glad that you liked Betrys and Ben and that they both came off well. I was worried about Ben, especially. I was afraid I couldn't write him correctly as he's often written well in profic (though sometimes... we just won't talk about those. LOL).

Healing profic--when I came up with this idea is was about 2 seconds after Sacrific spoilers broke. At that time I thought all was lost to Luke: his wife, his son, his legacy. I was so happy to read Outcast and see how close and happy the Luke and Ben relationship was. So, really, this story was me trying to salvage that... I'm just glad that profic did it, too.

Thank you so, so much, gal. Your love for this story keeps me going!!! *hugs*


ginchy April 16 2012, 15:23:29 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you liked the family moments. It must be very jarring for all of them, but at the same time... nice.


(The comment has been removed)

ginchy April 16 2012, 15:29:31 UTC
Thank you, gal!! I'm sorry that I'm breaking your heart more! *hugs* It breaks my heart, too. Because all I want is for the profic world to have been a horrible nightmare and for Luke to actually be AU Mara's Luke, having had amnesia from the amphistaff bite. ...and why didn't I think to do it that way in the first place?? Oh well. At any rate, I hope you'll enjoy the rest of the story... it's beginnign to wind down...

PS: Something should be winging its way to you through the mail today. :D :D


Volume Eighty Six, Issue Thirteen livejournal April 14 2012, 04:08:10 UTC
User gizzi1213 referenced to your post from Volume Eighty Six, Issue Thirteen saying: [...] (Rated PG-13, Anakin, OCs) - wrote ""Echoes of Always" - Chapter 14" [...]


lotusflower85 April 22 2012, 10:37:27 UTC
Oh, Ben. My heart just breaks for him - how hard it must have been growing up without a father, and of course, Luke knows all about that - it must be so difficult for him.

Loved the chat with Betrys - she does seem a lot like Luke in a lot of ways.


ginchy April 23 2012, 14:07:18 UTC
Yes, Luke would never have wanted that for his son or daughter. I'm glad that Ben got to know this Luke, though how strange it must have been.

And thank you. I love Betrys!


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