innerbrat is writing an article about scientific names that would make good names for metal bands for Andrew Hickey's Pep magazine. I'm providing illustrations of two of the beasties for the article.
Here is my contribution for the publication Whores of Mensa. The magazine is a celebration of women in comics. The new issue will feature a big wrap around cover featuring self portraits by many illustrators, comic book artists etc.
As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I rang up the Royal College of Art to ask if they still ran the Natural History Illustration course. The answer was no, but the reason why was never really given.
Feeling mildly better. I'm still down and tired. Suspect not seeing the sun for days is the culprit. However, drawing this little guy made me feel better.
Watercolour and coloured pencil. I plan to draw more cephalopods and make a small poster of them for the portfolio. I may also try and get some made for sale on Etsy.