Deathly Hallows Part 1

Nov 20, 2010 00:28

So yes, last night I went to see Deathly Hallows Part 1. And I have some thoughts. I am suffering a time hangover today, however, so I probably won't be as articulate as I could be ( Read more... )


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Comments 23

akemi42 November 20 2010, 09:39:04 UTC
I really liked the Polyjuice trio as well.

I agree that the jail was too spacious...and Bella's torture of Hermione did not seem any worse than what Umbridge did to Harry.

Alas, our Snape was small in quantity and fluffy and layered in quality.


gina_r_snape November 20 2010, 18:21:35 UTC
Bella's torture of Hermione was weird. I think they toned it down to keep the rating at PG-13, frankly. When she was leaning over Hermione and they pull away, I thought she was pressing her eye in. Only afterward did I realize she was carving "mudblood" into her arm which yes, is about as bad as Umbridge.

Fluffy layered Snape. Yah. What can you do?

So you asked me on FB what I thought of the Silver Doe. Now I'll return the favor -what did you think?


akemi42 November 20 2010, 18:51:55 UTC
I was so geeked to see the doe on screen that I need to pay more attention next time. It obviously was not as peppy as my portrayal, but I thought it was elegant.

Turning into a ball was weird, but I thought it made it more Snapey actually. The doe was pretty feminine and I thought it showed magical skill to make it change forms. I guess Meagan would have wanted it to talk in Snape's voice.


gina_r_snape November 20 2010, 22:04:08 UTC
LOL. Imagine Rickman's baratone bellowing out of a fluffy doe of light. Too funny.

As for being feminine, I imagined it would be. It is a doe, after all, and a projection of his love for Lily.


wiccarowan November 20 2010, 11:59:13 UTC
I saw it last night and pretty much all of the same things struck me too. I did re-read the book a couple of weeks ago in preparation for the film coming out, and there were a couple of bits I kept thinking "but WHY is that not in there??"


gina_r_snape November 20 2010, 18:22:38 UTC
*nods* Glad to know the salient emotional points were felt by others.

Ultimately, you know stuff is going to get cut. Sometimes for no reason at all. :shrugs: That's why I don't get too emotional about the films and just try to enjoy them for what they are.


wiccarowan November 20 2010, 20:35:22 UTC
See, there are some things I can really see why they were put in / taken out. Like the bit with Hermione at the start - because in the book she just does this throwaway line about obliviating her parents as though it's not a big deal. And they needed a different giveaway for Harry because Stan wasn't the recurring comic relief character in the films he was in the books. But I was actually pretty pissed off that we lost most of the Kreacher plot.

And is it me or was Rhys Ifans disturbingly tasty as Xeno Lovegood?


gina_r_snape November 20 2010, 20:56:33 UTC
Agreed, Hermione obliviating her parents should have been much more traumatic for her in the book. I too was disappointed about the loss of Kreacher's backstory.

OMG, Xeno was gorgeous. I actually posted that. Take away the hippie garb and I'd tap that in a hot minute. I googled him later, btw. Eurgh. I cannot believe this is the same guy who played the skinny, greasy wanker of a flatmate in Notting Hill. Just goes to show you what the right grooming and a bit of weight (and perhaps a bit of aging) can do for someone.


rayvyn2k November 20 2010, 14:40:12 UTC
I was hoping for the scene with Dudley and Harry, too and was disappointed it wasn't there. They couldn't put a fat suit on the boy ( ... )


gina_r_snape November 20 2010, 18:27:59 UTC
I think it was his face. Have you seen pictures? I mean . . . WOW. Total transformation.

Snape definitely benefited from low lighting. There was good billowing on the stairs. But what did you think of him at the table? There were varied opinions on his ambiguousness. I felt like his reaction to Charity Burbage's begging aaaalmost gave his hand away, but I need to see it again to process how I feel about it.

Galadriel doesn't put the ring on? She just has her little freak-out from holding the ring? Hmmm, I shall have to go back and rewatch that.

And yeah, no crucio. As I said to chaeche, I think they severely toned down the torture scene to keep the rating at PG-13.


rayvyn2k November 20 2010, 21:26:14 UTC
I have not seen a recent picture of the actor--but didn't Dudley himself undergo a major transformation in the book? I thought by DH he had been boxing and whatever and had gotten fit.

My opinion is that Snape should have been sitting at Voldy's right hand and not two places down. Symbolism, people! He is the most trusted advisor!

I do not think he gave himself away. I thought his eyes showed a flicker of compassion that was quickly crushed. Very, very good acting on AR's part. And don't even talk to me about the billowing. *swoon*

Galadriel is just showing Frodo what the result would be if she DID take the ring. She doesn't even touch it, if I recall correctly.


gina_r_snape November 20 2010, 22:07:37 UTC
He does become a boxer, and we kinda see that in HBP. But seriously, look at this:

Yes, Snape should have been at his right hand. But they had Voldemort moving around and he saved Snape a seat. And really, can you imagine Voldemort saving a seat for just anyone?


irielle November 20 2010, 16:15:29 UTC
The woman Hermione took over with Polyjuice was played by Sophie Thompson -- yes, Emma's sister. She's one of my favorite character actresses, and I was glad to see she made it into the HP movies too!


droxy November 20 2010, 17:20:20 UTC
I did not know Emma was from an acting family.


gina_r_snape November 20 2010, 18:28:43 UTC
Me neither!


pennswoods November 20 2010, 21:59:58 UTC
I think she meant Emma Thompson's (Trelawney's) sister - not Emma Watson.


alabastard November 21 2010, 03:13:41 UTC
I agree with you, very good detailed review ... there was so much to cover. Bleached stubble tends to make one look too old, I just wish it had been lighter, not allowed to grow out like that ... it didn't work, while a light stubble would have been much more attractive.

I wanted more Kreacher, he was great...and I loved Lovegood senior as well.


gina_r_snape November 22 2010, 00:18:31 UTC
Oh, that's a good point. I suppose he'd have looked like he had a greying beard, rather than a blond one.


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