12 Character Meme

Oct 30, 2010 20:24

So, like Arynis, I too tried my hand at the character meme. However, UNLIKE Ary, I stayed within one fandom. Yup. It's 5D's (would it be anything else? :3)

Gin's not-quite-as-crack answers... )

5d's, memes

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Comments 2

remaner October 30 2010, 19:32:05 UTC
Note to herself: always use grown up characters when doing memes like this.

Jack mpreg: my passion isn't stimulated, at all.

Brains broken: +1 (twice in a day, this is going to be hard on me...)


gin_no_ryuu October 30 2010, 19:37:35 UTC
I-It's not my fault! I just thought you have to use an assortment of your favourite characters! (and be thankful I didn't put Ruka and Carly the other way round... D: Carly deflowering Lucciano and Ruka paired with Yanagi or Rex = infinite DO NOT WANT.)

Neither is mine. It's just lulzy, though. After all, she's the goddamn Sherry.

Ooh, but I broke a brain? That's an improvement over Ark's... enjoyment of the fem!slash all over the place. (He broke MY brain with that tidbit of info.)


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