Title: Memory
Rating: R
Summary: Jack thinks about what he'd rather have the machine show Allison.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Property of SciFi/SyFy, Andrew Cosby and Jamie Paglia.
Pairing/Characters: Jack Carter, Allison Blake, implied Jack/Allison, Jack/Nathan/Allison
Spoilers: Spoilers for 3x16 - 'You Don't Know Jack'
A/N: Written for Week 8 of the Season 3.5 challenge at
eureka_tag, Missing Scene for '3x16 - You Don't Know Jack'
A/N #2: Posted Unbetaed.
“Show me Nathan Stark and Allison Blake.”
He wants so badly to tell her to search for all three of them together, her, him and Nathan.
Something twists deep in his stomach to urge her to see all of them together, where they were and where they belonged. Except that he’s pretty sure that she wouldn’t find anything on the memory ball collector. Nothing important, at least. Maybe them fighting when the pollen made the town crazy, because Fargo seemed rather fascinated with the whole thing that day, but nothing substantial, nothing important. Not the real them.
He knows Ali would have been extremely careful to shield such intimate memories from the device even to the last minute, and he hadn’t interacted with the memory balls at all so they couldn’t take them from him.
He shivers. He doesn’t even want to think about them being taken from him, because that’s all they’ve got left.
Besides, he wouldn’t want his sex life broadcasted to the world, although Nathan might have in some twisted way. Knowing Nathan it would stroke his ego, getting to show off how exactly he managed to score both the town sheriff and the most beautiful and powerful woman in town.
He misses Nathan, misses the Ali with the radiant smile and gorgeous glow as they lay entangled together. He misses Nathan’s smell and Ali’s soft curves, Nathan’s biting kisses and Ali’s slow sway of her hips.
He doesn’t want to forget. Not ever. No memory machine is going to take all he has left. He’ll destroy it first.
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