Ficlet: "Of Spirits and Flying Objects" (Jack Carter; PG)

Jul 30, 2009 23:31

Fandom: EUReKA
Title: Of Spirits and Flying Objects
Rating: PG
Summary: An alternate look inside Jack's head during the middle of 3x11 - 'Insane in the P-Brane'.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Property of SciFi/SyFy, Andrew Cosby and Jamie Paglia.
Pairing/Characters: Jack Carter
Spoilers: Spoilers for 3x11 - 'Insane in the P-Brane'
A/N: Written for Week 3 of the Season 3.5 challenge at eureka_tag, Alternate/Missing Scene for '3x11 - Insane in the P-Brane'

When Dr. Drechmeyer started spouting insanity about TIRDs and looking like a complete crazy man in Café Diem, Carter thought he was full of just that- crap.

At least, until things started flying around Café Diem. After that, he wasn’t so sure what exactly was going on besides chaos.

Great, he thought. Someone’s trying to screw with the town and the Sheriff at the same time. Very funny. Ha ha. He leaves the café in a bad mood, annoyed that someone could find it fun to poke at a clearly insane man and push the Sheriff’s buttons at the same time.

When he goes and talks with Henry about what could be causing the movement of objects around the town besides ghosts, he somehow feels better about the whole thing. There’s possibilities that could be pulled off in a town like theirs, and not just ‘ghosts’ and ‘spirits’ causing the trouble. Or maybe it’s just Henry. He seems to have that effect on people.

Even after he leaves, the tiniest part of him holds out hope that maybe, just maybe they were spirits. Because then maybe one of those spirits would be Nathan, stuck between here and whatever, trying to get their attention.

Right, he thinks. I’m as delusional as Drechmeyer.

And then things start flying around his office like a tornado hit it, and he thinks you know, maybe I’m not that delusional, because if it was really Nathan, he’d pull something like this. He’d get my attention, no matter what it took. Even if it ment a few furniture casualties.

He looks up to the sky at the stars as he gets into the Jeep to head over to GD.

Sorry Nate, he thinks. Maybe someday we’ll get it right.


Feedback always welcome.

Link to all of my stories

rating: pg, jack carter, eureka, eureka_tag, gen, fic

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