
Jun 04, 2013 17:36

Wow...so I haven't updated in almost two months. Shit. Well, it has been INSANELY busy between being prego, work and chasing after a toddler ( Read more... )

nicu time, public post, hospital bed rest, abby

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Comments 4

swtjemz June 4 2013, 22:13:39 UTC
I'll see if I still have some preemie clothes that a friend gave me when she donated all my goddaughter's clothes to us and send them your way. <3

Stay strong, mama, and hang in there!


opaquebubble June 4 2013, 22:28:37 UTC
I wish I could help! Crossing fingers everything goes smoothly and she marinates a bit more before making her grand arrival. ♥

Also hoping Amelia's surgery goes well, and that all is well with you! Major hugs.


muharami79 June 5 2013, 02:15:33 UTC
whoah..that was some scare..my sister-in-law had a slight bleeding few weeks ago..and she's only 18 weeks along..so, that gave us quite a scare..
hope everything will work out well for you...
stay strong, mama..I'll pray for you..for Amelia's surgery..and for the smooth delivery (u think the little princess will listen to you and share the same birthday as Kazu? haha)
all the best!!!


ang3l_sh1 June 6 2013, 02:44:54 UTC
Oh gosh. I hope everything works out for you and I'm glad that your job is giving you 'paid leave'. It's good to hear that you're okay and hopefully everything will go well. *crosses fingers*


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