[fanfic] ten/jamie, because dunkin donuts = writing

Sep 27, 2006 11:08

"But, Rose, if Jamie is at this space station then that must mean that I am also at this space station, because all respect, Jamie, but you're hardly the type to go space-station-wandering all on your lonesome."

"None taken."

"But, Doctor, of course you're on the space station. You're standing right in front of me."

"He means my Doctor," Jamie clarifies. He slots his thumbs into his belt and gives the blonde a warm smile. She looks a touch uncomfortable with him, which he finds odd, considering most of the other people in the crowded gymnasium-sized room have five arms and eight eyes and jelly-skin and she's coping fine with them.

"There's got to be a reason for this overlap." The Doctor pulls out black-frame glasses Jamie's never seen and puts them on, studying a ticker on the side of the wall. "Februcember the eleventeenth... 7205... right." He turns. "Rose, I want you to chat up the locals. Don't talk to humans or humanoids - focus on the Drengals and see if there's supposed to be any weird metaphysical energies today."

"Um. Right." Rose nods and runs off in a very possibly random direction.

"Jamie, you and I are going to go make love in that janitor's closet over in the corner."

"Aye. Wait. What?"

The Doctor breaks into a laugh and gets his wrist. He walks and talks. "Weiiirrrd metaphysical energies," he singsongs, and Jamie thinks that maybe the Doctor's a little madder now than he used to be, but the hair's an improvement, the height's just different, maybe it would work... "All rubbish. Just figured Rose could use some exercise and talking points with the passersby, you know, while I visit an old friend."

"And bugger him," Jamie tacks on.

"Yes, and bugger him." The Doctor stops suddenly. "We've had sex, right?"

Jamie blinks, flushes, swallows a little bit. "A-aye," he admits, "just... not quite a week ago, we."

"The stairwell." The Doctor's beaming.

"The stairwell," Jamie affirms, and he's starting to smile back, just a little, gaining some ground in this.

"I always liked you, Jamie." He licks the Scot's ear and manhandles him into the closet. Jamie's not sure which he likes better.

rose, ten/jamie, slash, fanfic, jamie, ten

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